Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today

Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today

  “Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today.” ~ Dr Bruce Lipton (Developmental Biologist) This quote and medical fact is the reason I spend so much time educating my students and clients about the Stress Response and how it affects their mind, body and spirit on a daily basis. Meditation promotes the Relaxation Response and is one of the best antidotes to stress there is. Meditation is an achievable and beautiful pathway to self-awareness, inner peace and stressing less for healing and health. The Term 2 Monday Evening Weekly class began last week and has grown 3 times the size since


Toowoomba Meditation Classes

The Meditation & Movement Schedule kicks off this Week! Regular Weekly Meditation Term Classes resume TONIGHT – TUESDAY 12th FEB !! A great social and supportive atmosphere to share one full hour of relaxation, breathing and pure meditation!  Take this time just for YOU! It’s only one hour out of your WHOLE week where you can focus only on yourself and regain some inner peace and quiet from the stress and struggle of life. Please confirm your place prior to class commencement.  see website for details Just a few places left for the 6 Week Beginners Relaxation & Stress Management Course!  This course


My Hungry Heart – emotional eating

My Hungry Heart - emotional eating

 What are you really hungry for? When I was overweight – no matter how much food I ate – the sensation of hunger was never far away. Every meal was hurried. I ate as if I was ravenous; quickly filling my belly to hide the evidence that I was a ‘pig’. I would spend most of my time during the day thinking about food while trying to avoid it.  The hunger made me crave all the wrong foods… and they always somehow made me feel better. I didn’t always feel ‘well’ after eating those foods, but for a short time I didn’t feel