Make NOW the Right Time to Be Happy, Healthy & Confident

Be Happy, Healthy & Confident in your Mind, Body & Life… NOW


When is the ‘RIGHT’ time to be happier, healthier, more confident and comfortable in your own mind, body and life?

What you look for, focus on and decide for yourself… you’ll find.

Stop looking for reasons and excuses to sabotage your health and happiness. Start looking for ways and means to create it!

Things will never be perfect but they CAN change if you’re willing and ready to do the changing – whether it’s January, Tomorrow or “The diet starts Monday”!

Staying stuck and struggling in so many areas of your life is COSTLY and DRAINING – financially, emotionally, mentally, physically. 

Why put the same energy into struggle that you can put into making space to feel FREE with ease and clarity?

You can have/be/do what you want when you decide to take ownership of your own life.

Change starts with a decision you make in your mind – “I choose this change and I’m determined and ready to take action to move towards it”.

If you don’t want to feel the way you’re feeling at this time next year – especially if you’re feeling now like you did this time last year – then DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT!

Otherwise, nothing will change and another year will go by…

I believe the RIGHT time is NOW. TODAY. Are you ready and willing?

Thank you for sharing your own journey of pain and struggle with me over the last 7 years – particularly over on my Facebook page.

I look forward to helping many more of you transform your pain into power in 2018!

With Love for a wonderful NEW year of laughter, happiness, vibrant energy… and having what you WANT!


Rapid Transformational Coach, Counsellor and Therapist
Freedom and Recovery from your Emotional, Weight & Eating Issues

Viki Thondley is a Rapid Transformational Therapist & Coach, Holistic Counsellor & Meditation Therapist specialising in self-worth, stress, mind-body connection, subconscious reprogramming, depression/anxiety, body-image & eating disorder recovery. She is Founder/Director of the MindBodyFood Institute & author of the Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner certification course, plus several coaching & whole food books.