The Most Important Message You’ll Read Today

The Most Important Message You'll Read Today

The Inside Job Do you ever look in the mirror and make a point of finding something positive about yourself – instead of only seeing the bits you don’t like and want to change? So many people wait for the right moment or circumstance before they allow themselves to be happy: “When I’m thin, I’ll be happy. After I’m married, I’ll be happy. When I’m driving that car, working in that job, feel like I deserve it… then I’ll be happy.” How would you like to: > look in the mirror and love your reflection? > feel positive about yourself and your life?


Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

From Medication to Freedom! How my Achieving Your Wellness coaching program has helped my client move from medication to freedom. I have an intelligent, insightful and attractive young client who came to meet and work with me late last year in 2013. At only 18 she had spent years on anti-depressants suffering low moods, unhappiness, isolation and body image concerns that bordered on disordered eating. Her dreams of travel, true happiness, connection and vibrant health were being hindered by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits and behaviours. She came to me with a desperate need to combat the life she had created for herself and turn


New Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

New Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

NEW Women’s Wellness Retreat + Group Coaching Course! This year I turn 40! My dream has always been to host a Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat – the kind of spiritual experience that I myself would love to go to and share with like-minded souls; the kind of retreat where you are fully allowed to immerse yourself into your inner world and give yourself permission to let go of the past and rebuild or strengthen your most important relationship… (hint: it’s with YOURSELF!) What better way to celebrate my 40th year than to host my very own inaugural MindBodyFood “Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat“


Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Worth Your Weight Bathroom scales. Do you have one? We don’t have a bathroom scale in our house. I’ve not weighed myself in years. I don’t look to one for punishment, judgement or expectation ANY MORE. I once relied on the bathroom scales for my self-worth. I looked to it for my daily allowance of food. I feared its’ judgement but I was compelled to step on it and wait anxiously for my result. My whole mindset and mood was determined by that number. The thing now is that I no longer measure my self-worth by a number on the scale.


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally


5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

Feeling Low? Try these uplifting foods! Many of you have heard me talk or write about the importance of nutrients and cell nourishment in creating the neuro-nutrients (brain food), neurotransmitters and hormones to fuel the communication channels between the brain and body. Every bit of food we eat – our nutrition quality – can create direct and immediate chemical changes within the body and brain to improve mood, energy, concentration, digestion, metabolism and general wellbeing. We literally rely on the foods we eat to create the nutrients we need for every function within the body. Combine our daily life stressors on top of our


Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Happier, Healthier, Fitter! Fulfil your needs and find your balance in all areas of your life: Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally. My new eStore is up and the first product live is my comprehensive wellness coaching workbook designed to move you step by step from overwhelm, confusion and low energy to wellness, happiness and abundance in all areas of your life. Just like I did on the road to my own healing and wellness journey! Evaluate your strengths and values. Align your beliefs with your actions. Create and achieve SMART goals using short and long term goal planners with solution focused evaluations. Clarify your


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Are you in Love or Hate with Your Body? How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependant on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. personal loans lenders for bad credit When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings, become overcome by them, and eventually feel even more weighed down by what’s


July Toowoomba Meditation Course, Classes & Chocolate Workshop

July Toowoomba Meditation Course, Classes & Chocolate Workshop

Time to LET GO of your STRESS, FRUSTRATION, OVER-REACTIVE tendencies, and sleep better, feel calmer, think clearly and love more freely! My next 6 Week Basic Meditation for Stress Management Course begins on Tuesday 23rd July until Tuesday 27th August. 6pm to 7.30pm. Each course includes a personalised folder with weekly handouts and the use of essential oils to enhance your meditation practice and relaxation benefits. Muscle relaxation, breathing and stretching techniques are also taught in a safe, comfortable and supportive environment. For more information and to book your place CLICK HERE! or contact me directly via or 0410 60


Love and Acceptance: reconnecting to self

Reconnect With The Simple Things Last week I was on a working holiday at the Sunshine Coast recording my “Healing Your Digestive Issues” video interview for MindBodyFood TV. Although it rained for the majority of the time, we still found a small window of sunshine to walk in whilst wetting our feet down at the beach. It was fortunate that the last night we were there, we could take the opportunity to walk along the beach, breathe in the salt air, cleans our nostrils and lungs with the freshness of nature and scrunch our toes in the sand as we


How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

  For many of us, time management is a source of stress. When we have so many things to do and not enough time to do them in, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed, lose focus and flounder. So if you’re ready to put more life and more action into your day, then get a pen and paper (or print out this newsletter) and write down this simple system. It consists of 3 basic steps. Here they are: 1. Write down all the tasks you want to get done today in order of importance. 2. Assign a specific block of


Happy SELF-LOVE Day!

HAPPY SELF-LOVE DAY! Here’s what I think… You don’t need to have a Valentine to make your day special. Show YOURSELF some LOVE today! How do you do that? Here are a few suggestions: Go easy – no one expects you to be superman/woman except for you! Give yourself permission to slow down. Take a moment with yourself in the mirror. Really look at the person you are and give him/her a SMILE. You may feel silly but you’ll also feel BETTER! Tell yourself how wonderful you are by using positive self-talk and specific affirmations. Repeat, repeat, repeat – ALL


5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change To first create change you must know what you want to be different: This is where you are… this is where you want to be. Visualisation is a powerful tool that can impact your subconscious mind when practised regularly. Take a few minutes to breathe slowly, deeply and naturally. Settle your breathing into a natural rhythm and just focus on your breathing. Once your thoughts and breathing settle, visualise your life how you want to be living it: use images, feelings and emotions. Make it as real as you can in your minds’ eye… See


Where does your happiness come from?

Where does your happiness come from?

HAPPINESS – is it really just a never ending, elusive, undulating pursuit…?   You know those moments where you instantly move from happiness to sadness? Do you sometimes find yourself asking, Why am I so unhappy? Why can’t I just get over it and stop feeling/being like this? Could it be that happiness for you is dependent on external things? If you want things to change in your life, YOU must be the catalyst. Others’ cannot be changed; not by force or anger or resentment. No matter how much you withdraw, pout, yell or accuse, others will remain as imbedded


How to Let Go to be Happy, Healthy and Free

How to Let Go to be Happy, Healthy and Free

Are you afraid of change? Sometimes we hold on to unhealthy habits, memories or relationships for fear of loneliness, resentment and uncertainty. We remain stuck in limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours. Our happiness, health and feelings are severely compromised when we remain closed and negative to life’s possibilities. In these moments of internal pain, we never ask ourselves these two important questions: Is what I’m holding onto what I really, truly want? Ideally what would I rather take hold of to feel happy, healthy and free? For many years I held onto words: hurtful, horrible, hateful words that people had said to me