Achieve Your Wellness!

Achieve YOUR Wellness! I’ve finally finished my new 80 page Wellness workbook: a 12 week positive change plan called Achieving Your Wellness! This workbook compliments the launch of my new 12 Week Achieving Your Wellness Coaching Program    Achieving Your Wellness is a comprehensive workbook and plan – complete with insights, templates and worksheets – for creating a life you love! Life Balance is not a static undertaking. Finding it requires an acceptance that there will always be something to challenge you in life and disrupt your balance. BUT! Once you know what things tip you off balance and recognise more readily when you’re overwhelmed,


Number One Cause of Fat and Diabetes

Number One Cause of Fat and Diabetes

I’ve just finished reading a remarkable article published in the New York Times last Wednesday February 27th that reviewed the details of an astounding study. This study – for the first time ever – conclusively pinpointed the #1 cause of type 2 diabetes and by extension, excess, stubborn weight. They did, however, miss one incredibly important detail, which I’ll explain in a moment but here’s what they did get right. The study showed that the link between this #1 cause of type 2 diabetes and by extension, extra, stubborn flab, was just as strong as the link between cigarettes and lung cancer.


Happy SELF-LOVE Day!

HAPPY SELF-LOVE DAY! Here’s what I think… You don’t need to have a Valentine to make your day special. Show YOURSELF some LOVE today! How do you do that? Here are a few suggestions: Go easy – no one expects you to be superman/woman except for you! Give yourself permission to slow down. Take a moment with yourself in the mirror. Really look at the person you are and give him/her a SMILE. You may feel silly but you’ll also feel BETTER! Tell yourself how wonderful you are by using positive self-talk and specific affirmations. Repeat, repeat, repeat – ALL


Nourish Yourself

There are several ways to nourish yourself: nutritious, unprocessed and colourful foods, relaxation, exercise, positive thoughts, and having the courage to listen to your heart. Say “no” if it doesn’t feel right. person Say “yes” if you really want to. Listening to your inner wisdom is a beautiful way to nourish your self-respect.


How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

Practising Gratitude Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it’s a wonderful act of gratitude that I teach my students and clients to do on a daily basis. Particularly for those struggling to shift negativity. When our attention is constantly focused on the annoying, uphappy, challenging, upsetting or just plain hard aspects of our lives, negative thoughts can consume us. This constant worry and stress can perpetuate feelings of helplessness, depression and anxiety – particularly leading towards Christmas time. In this state of mental stress and tension it’s all too easy to forget that whatever it is, it will pass in time. In


31 Ways to Feel Beautiful

31 Ways to Feel Beautiful

Easy Ways to Feel Beautiful In Your Own Skin It’s more important to recognise and embrace your own beauty, than to compare and feel like you fall short. So today I thought I’d have a spontaneous stab at writing down what makes me feel beautiful… This is really making me think for a moment so I’ll take a few breaths, tune in and start slowly: I feel beautiful when I smile I feel beautiful after a few slow, deep breaths. I feel beautiful when I meditate using personal, powerful and present tense affirmations. I feel beautiful when I eat lots


Where does your happiness come from?

Where does your happiness come from?

HAPPINESS – is it really just a never ending, elusive, undulating pursuit…?   You know those moments where you instantly move from happiness to sadness? Do you sometimes find yourself asking, Why am I so unhappy? Why can’t I just get over it and stop feeling/being like this? Could it be that happiness for you is dependent on external things? If you want things to change in your life, YOU must be the catalyst. Others’ cannot be changed; not by force or anger or resentment. No matter how much you withdraw, pout, yell or accuse, others will remain as imbedded


Love Your Body, Live Your Life

Lover Your Body So You Can Finally Starting Living Your Life   Q – How do you love your body when all you can think of every spare minute of the day is what’s wrong with it? A – Start thinking what’s RIGHT with it! Think of your favourite pet: cat, dog, horse, bird…etc. If all you showed your loyal, loving pet was neglect, disappointment and resentment at looking after it, how do you think your pet would grow towards you? What do you think your pet would feel every time you showed it anger or frustration? Your body is similar to


How to Change Your Thinking With Affirmations

How to Change Your Thinking With Affirmations

When words become beliefs… A while back I spoke with a woman who takes great pride in her work. Even so, she said that she “didn’t feel she was good enough, that she’s very hard on herself, although she knows she shouldn’t be – knows she shouldn’t do that.” Here’s how our conversation went: I asked if when she worked, was she doing the best work that she was capable of. She replied, “Yes, I try to do my best”. To clarify, I asked – “So even though you know you are doing the best job you can do in


Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating

Are you thinking, breathing and fearing food 24/7…? What we think and how we feel often dictates what we eat, if we should eat and when we should eat. This may lead us to console our emotions with food we don’t really want or need but that temporarily might make us feel better. Without a healthy self-image or balanced lifestyle, this may be enough to permanently chip away at your self-confidence and further influence your emotions. In the long term, it may be enough to spark a greater issue with food and body-image, leading to disordered eating. Do you reach