Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Scientific Proof That Being Thankful Improves Your Health By Dr. Lissa Rankin Thursday, November 28th, 2013 On this day of Thanksgiving, people around the United States are expressing gratitude for the bounty of their lives, but many may not realize that in doing so, they are also improving the quality of their health and increasing their life expectancies. The scientific evidence is conclusive when it comes to mood, outlook, and health. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimistic people have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimistic people. But how can you become happier and more


5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

Feeling Low? Try these uplifting foods! Many of you have heard me talk or write about the importance of nutrients and cell nourishment in creating the neuro-nutrients (brain food), neurotransmitters and hormones to fuel the communication channels between the brain and body. Every bit of food we eat – our nutrition quality – can create direct and immediate chemical changes within the body and brain to improve mood, energy, concentration, digestion, metabolism and general wellbeing. We literally rely on the foods we eat to create the nutrients we need for every function within the body. Combine our daily life stressors on top of our


Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Dreams, Deadlines and Commitments A lot of my clients have the initial worry of how far they have to go in reaching their health and wellness goals. They focus on the long road ahead and freak out about how long it will take to get there. We’re a growing nation of impatient (stressed and overweight) people the more modern stress takes its’ toll on our lives. We want change immediately, and what’s more, we want it to last so that we never, ever have to deal with the conflict or upset ever again! The worst thing is that we spend so much time


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Are you in Love or Hate with Your Body? How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependant on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. personal loans lenders for bad credit When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings, become overcome by them, and eventually feel even more weighed down by what’s


Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are your Adrenals Fatigued?   Recently I’ve had a many new clients coming to me for “MANAGING STRESS”. Even the local newspaper reporter sought me out for information on a feature about stress IN LAST WEEKENDS PAPER! (OMG the top photo is terrible!!!!) Recently I wrote, Stress Kills! Find Your triggers and take action!  Often we miss the signals that our bodies are attempting to provide us. We’re too consumed by the daily grind and keeping up with the mounting tasks, that we miss our physical responses and don’t do anything about them. Adrenal Glands Two, triangular shaped glands that sit on top of your


What is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT?

What is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique history pioneer services have Tapping your way to health, success, wealth and happiness… What is EFT? If you have negative emotions creating roadblocks in your efforts to create change, feel happier, get fitter, be successful, find love, accept yourself, be more, do more, feel more, have more… you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying EFT. It’s quick, painless and easy to learn. Sequences are tailored to your individual fears, limiting beliefs and personal mental and emotional blocks. It’s a meridian based therapy focusing on releasing blocked energy within the body to return the flow of  health,


Stress Kills! Find Your Triggers and Take Action!

Identify Stress Triggers & Take Action Throughout my work with individuals and groups as a Meditation and Stress Therapist, I see first hand how little the general public are aware of the physical symptoms of their stress. This is such a terrible shame seeing as stress is the number ONE underlying cause of ALL modern illness and disease! SHOCKING! Stress has become the go-to word to describe a myriad of emotions, feelings and situations in our lives. How many times have you heard someone say: “I’m too stressed to deal with this” “I’m so stressed out” “Life is really stressful at the moment” How many


Awaken to Your Inner Silence

Monday Inspiration! Meditation expands self-awareness and is a tool for the re-discovery of our body’s own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it’s not about forcing the mind to be quiet, it’s finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the universe. Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to


Love and Acceptance: reconnecting to self

Reconnect With The Simple Things Last week I was on a working holiday at the Sunshine Coast recording my “Healing Your Digestive Issues” video interview for MindBodyFood TV. Although it rained for the majority of the time, we still found a small window of sunshine to walk in whilst wetting our feet down at the beach. It was fortunate that the last night we were there, we could take the opportunity to walk along the beach, breathe in the salt air, cleans our nostrils and lungs with the freshness of nature and scrunch our toes in the sand as we


Heal Your Digestive Issues – Viki Thondley Interviews Scott Mathias

Heal Your Digestive Issues - Viki Thondley Interviews Scott Mathias

  Do YOU suffer from reflux, hypothyroidism, eating disorders, heartburn, bloating, low energy, emotional and/or depressive issues?     Watch my interview with Scott Mathias, Digestive Health Specialist, Raw Food Chef, and author of “Understanding the Devine Gut”. We delve into the CAUSE of a wide variety of upset, illness and disease within the body when digestion is poor and not working properly. FASCINATING and HIGHLY INFORMATIVE interview! credit repair company WATCH IT NOW!  


HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN!

HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN!

HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN! Many of you have heard me talk about food designers before. They have the task of creating the perfect ratio of fat, sugar and salt in a food product that will create opiates in the brain to have you craving more! People already restricting themselves find these cravings overwhelming and will often berate themselves and feel like failures, believing they have no willpower or motivation. This often leads to comfort or emotional eating, which of course is only feeding the cravings. People try so hard to eat healthy,


Is Your Food Really Food?

Is Your Food Really Food?

  Don’t Eat Anything Your Great-Grandmother Wouldn’t Recognise As Food! I saw this pic recently and thought, That’s so right! My own great-grandmother lived to a beautiful and delicate age of 100 years old! The bulk of what she ate came from nature: out of the garden, off a tree, grown on the farm and made at home. She ate good food, took good care of herself and lived a long, often hard, but satisfying life. I can’t help but notice the difference in food quality between our grandparents time and now. They ate fresh fruit and vegetables as standard. Much of our


Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Stress-related Conditions CAN Happen To Anyone No matter who you are or what you do for a living, we all experience a degree of stress. Are you feeling down, anxious, tired, overwhelmed.. everyday, ordinary people can easily be overcome by prolonged stress when we ignore the signs and symptoms from our own body and mood. What can you do about it to help yourself and manage your stress before it leads to stress-related conditions, illness and disease? Take a 15 minute break to watch this interesting and humble interview with Steve Lynes, Owner of Fitness Works Gym in Toowoomba, to learn ways to identify your own levels of stress, and


Ho’oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho'oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono.. Pronounced “hoh OH pohno pohno,” it is the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. If you’ve been carrying around guilt, blame, regret, anger or shame… perhaps practising Ho’oponopono for forgiveness, is just what your mind, body and spirit need. In Hawaiian the word means “to make right or to rectify an error.” This may not necessarily be something literal that you have done. An “error” can also be a memory (or memories) of emotions, words, situations and behaviours that replay in your subconscious mind and feed your limiting beliefs. By practising Ho’oponopono, we are able to open our subconscious minds to


How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

  For many of us, time management is a source of stress. When we have so many things to do and not enough time to do them in, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed, lose focus and flounder. So if you’re ready to put more life and more action into your day, then get a pen and paper (or print out this newsletter) and write down this simple system. It consists of 3 basic steps. Here they are: 1. Write down all the tasks you want to get done today in order of importance. 2. Assign a specific block of