Being Grateful at Christmas

Being Grateful at Christmas

Be Grateful at Christmas It’s the season of Turkey, trifle and last minute shopping. It’s also a time for giving, receiving and being thankful: a wonderful act of gratitude that I teach my students and clients to do on a daily basis; particularly for those struggling to shift negativity. When our attention is constantly focused on the annoying, unhappy, challenging, or just plain hard aspects of our lives, a low mood and feelings of helplessness can consume us – especially at Christmas time. In this state of mind it’s all too easy to forget that whatever it is, that it will pass.


Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Assess Your Needs for Better Life Balance Are you like many of my clients – struggling to have it all AND create life balance? Life balance is an interesting term that many people use, especially when they realise that they don’t have any! Defining what life balance means, individually, can be quite difficult without first knowing your own needs and where you’re lacking in fulfilling them. The more stressed out, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or frustrated you feel at not having time for yourself to slow down and re-energise, the greater the disconnect between your mind and body – and your personal needs. I don’t think


This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

My Beautiful 40 Year Old Body For those of you wondering how my knee is healing after surgery in June, it’s been slow, especially as a secondary injury was initially overlooked. Over the years my body has faced tremendous abuse; physical, emotional and self-inflicted. I’ve been hard on myself and pushed my body to breaking point many times with several broken bones, tears and surgeries. Throughout many stressful years my weight struggled to settle because of the severe restriction, starvation and binge/purge episodes I put it through for 18 years. My hormones, metabolism and digestion broke down several times. I


Let Go in 2014 – Your New Years Resolutions

Let Go in 2014 - Your New Years Resolutions

I Choose to Let Go! In life we accumulate so much “stuff”. Some would call it baggage: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual. We focus on the bad things, carry past hurts and resentments, and rarely stop to alleviate the burdens we carry along the way. We tend to overwhelm ourselves with all that needs doing, everything we want to change, thoughts of not being good enough. Our minds are incessantly firing worrying, fearful and negative thoughts all over the place. Much to our distracted conscious awareness. We are consumed by our thinking about things, people, feelings or beliefs. And we often forget that our


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally


Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Scientific Proof That Being Thankful Improves Your Health By Dr. Lissa Rankin Thursday, November 28th, 2013 On this day of Thanksgiving, people around the United States are expressing gratitude for the bounty of their lives, but many may not realize that in doing so, they are also improving the quality of their health and increasing their life expectancies. The scientific evidence is conclusive when it comes to mood, outlook, and health. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimistic people have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimistic people. But how can you become happier and more


Natural, Functional and Fun Movement for Energy, Strength and Weight Loss

Natural, Functional and Fun Movement for Energy, Strength and Weight Loss

Natural Movement, Real Food, Healthy Mindset Last week on my way home from a 4 day practitioner retreat on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, I stopped into Buderim Forest Park to meet with Clint and Aimee from Primal Influence. They view health and fitness from a similar holistic approach as I do, which is why I wanted to talk with them about what they do, how they do it and why. Clint came from a background of not being able to enjoy a lot of physical activity because of his size. This resonated with where I started many years ago at holding


Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Dreams, Deadlines and Commitments A lot of my clients have the initial worry of how far they have to go in reaching their health and wellness goals. They focus on the long road ahead and freak out about how long it will take to get there. We’re a growing nation of impatient (stressed and overweight) people the more modern stress takes its’ toll on our lives. We want change immediately, and what’s more, we want it to last so that we never, ever have to deal with the conflict or upset ever again! The worst thing is that we spend so much time


How to Create Life Balance and Fulfil Your Needs

How to Create Life Balance and Fulfil Your Needs

WELLNESS TIP – Life Balance Life Balance is an interesting term many use when they suddenly become aware that they don’t have any! This usually comes about the more stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or frustrated you increasingly feel. Creating life balance isn’t about controlling life – obligations, commitments, challenges and bumps in the road can easily disrupt your plans and unbalance your life every day! The trick is in recognising where your needs aren’t being met and attending to them as a daily act of self-love. The focus then becomes on YOU and not what happens to you. Here’s a list identified by


Stress Kills! Find Your Triggers and Take Action!

Identify Stress Triggers & Take Action Throughout my work with individuals and groups as a Meditation and Stress Therapist, I see first hand how little the general public are aware of the physical symptoms of their stress. This is such a terrible shame seeing as stress is the number ONE underlying cause of ALL modern illness and disease! SHOCKING! Stress has become the go-to word to describe a myriad of emotions, feelings and situations in our lives. How many times have you heard someone say: “I’m too stressed to deal with this” “I’m so stressed out” “Life is really stressful at the moment” How many


Viki & MindBodyFood in THIS WKD’s GoodLife Wellbeing Lift Out!

  GoodLife If you’re lacking energy, life balance, direction, good nutrition, healthy body image or supportive relationships, then take action NOW towards creating a life you love! 12 Weeks to positive changes using my Achieving Your Wellness workbook alongside my guidance, support, inspiration and motivation! Click Here for details or EMAIL ME NOW and take action today to achieve your health and wellness!   Yours in Health and Happiness   Viki xo   instant no fax payday loansincreasingly  


Achieve Your Wellness!

Achieve YOUR Wellness! I’ve finally finished my new 80 page Wellness workbook: a 12 week positive change plan called Achieving Your Wellness! This workbook compliments the launch of my new 12 Week Achieving Your Wellness Coaching Program    Achieving Your Wellness is a comprehensive workbook and plan – complete with insights, templates and worksheets – for creating a life you love! Life Balance is not a static undertaking. Finding it requires an acceptance that there will always be something to challenge you in life and disrupt your balance. BUT! Once you know what things tip you off balance and recognise more readily when you’re overwhelmed,


Visualisation for a happy mind, body and soul

Visualise Your Best Self Did you know that your mind is a powerful tool in helping you create positive changes in your life? Using creative visualisation can help the subconscious mind to create real and meaningful associations with the feelings and desires of what you truly want to instil in your daily life. This paves the way for a happy mind, body and soul. wealthy Begin by imagining what you would like more of: how you will feel to have it, feel it, be it… and then spend a few minutes playing it out in your mind as if you


You ARE Good Enough!

It’s been a quick year and we’re nearly to Christmas! I wanted to remind each of you that regardless of what stage you may find yourself at on your personal journey through life, always remember…. You ARE good enough! You ARE worth what you want! I believe in you.  If you don’t believe in yourself or your own worth then it’s time to conquer the fear or anger that’s stopping you before it monopolises another year of your life.  To change your life for the better, start with your THOUGHTS about your life. Your thoughts shape your experience and then


5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change To first create change you must know what you want to be different: This is where you are… this is where you want to be. Visualisation is a powerful tool that can impact your subconscious mind when practised regularly. Take a few minutes to breathe slowly, deeply and naturally. Settle your breathing into a natural rhythm and just focus on your breathing. Once your thoughts and breathing settle, visualise your life how you want to be living it: use images, feelings and emotions. Make it as real as you can in your minds’ eye… See