Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Reaching Your Goals on the Road Ahead

Dreams, Deadlines and Commitments A lot of my clients have the initial worry of how far they have to go in reaching their health and wellness goals. They focus on the long road ahead and freak out about how long it will take to get there. We’re a growing nation of impatient (stressed and overweight) people the more modern stress takes its’ toll on our lives. We want change immediately, and what’s more, we want it to last so that we never, ever have to deal with the conflict or upset ever again! The worst thing is that we spend so much time


How to Create Life Balance and Fulfil Your Needs

How to Create Life Balance and Fulfil Your Needs

WELLNESS TIP – Life Balance Life Balance is an interesting term many use when they suddenly become aware that they don’t have any! This usually comes about the more stressed, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or frustrated you increasingly feel. Creating life balance isn’t about controlling life – obligations, commitments, challenges and bumps in the road can easily disrupt your plans and unbalance your life every day! The trick is in recognising where your needs aren’t being met and attending to them as a daily act of self-love. The focus then becomes on YOU and not what happens to you. Here’s a list identified by


Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Happier, Healthier, Fitter! Fulfil your needs and find your balance in all areas of your life: Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally. My new eStore is up and the first product live is my comprehensive wellness coaching workbook designed to move you step by step from overwhelm, confusion and low energy to wellness, happiness and abundance in all areas of your life. Just like I did on the road to my own healing and wellness journey! Evaluate your strengths and values. Align your beliefs with your actions. Create and achieve SMART goals using short and long term goal planners with solution focused evaluations. Clarify your


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Are you in Love or Hate with Your Body? How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependant on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. personal loans lenders for bad credit When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings, become overcome by them, and eventually feel even more weighed down by what’s


Stress Kills! Find Your Triggers and Take Action!

Identify Stress Triggers & Take Action Throughout my work with individuals and groups as a Meditation and Stress Therapist, I see first hand how little the general public are aware of the physical symptoms of their stress. This is such a terrible shame seeing as stress is the number ONE underlying cause of ALL modern illness and disease! SHOCKING! Stress has become the go-to word to describe a myriad of emotions, feelings and situations in our lives. How many times have you heard someone say: “I’m too stressed to deal with this” “I’m so stressed out” “Life is really stressful at the moment” How many


Awaken to Your Inner Silence

Monday Inspiration! Meditation expands self-awareness and is a tool for the re-discovery of our body’s own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it’s not about forcing the mind to be quiet, it’s finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the universe. Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to


Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Stress-related Conditions CAN Happen To Anyone No matter who you are or what you do for a living, we all experience a degree of stress. Are you feeling down, anxious, tired, overwhelmed.. everyday, ordinary people can easily be overcome by prolonged stress when we ignore the signs and symptoms from our own body and mood. What can you do about it to help yourself and manage your stress before it leads to stress-related conditions, illness and disease? Take a 15 minute break to watch this interesting and humble interview with Steve Lynes, Owner of Fitness Works Gym in Toowoomba, to learn ways to identify your own levels of stress, and


Ho’oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho'oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono.. Pronounced “hoh OH pohno pohno,” it is the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. If you’ve been carrying around guilt, blame, regret, anger or shame… perhaps practising Ho’oponopono for forgiveness, is just what your mind, body and spirit need. In Hawaiian the word means “to make right or to rectify an error.” This may not necessarily be something literal that you have done. An “error” can also be a memory (or memories) of emotions, words, situations and behaviours that replay in your subconscious mind and feed your limiting beliefs. By practising Ho’oponopono, we are able to open our subconscious minds to


Viki & MindBodyFood in THIS WKD’s GoodLife Wellbeing Lift Out!

  GoodLife If you’re lacking energy, life balance, direction, good nutrition, healthy body image or supportive relationships, then take action NOW towards creating a life you love! 12 Weeks to positive changes using my Achieving Your Wellness workbook alongside my guidance, support, inspiration and motivation! Click Here for details or EMAIL ME NOW and take action today to achieve your health and wellness!   Yours in Health and Happiness   Viki xo   instant no fax payday loansincreasingly  


How to Create a Wellness Vision

How to Create a Wellness Vision

best rated online payday loans What is Your Wellness Vision? A wellness vision is a visualisation in your own mind of how you’d like your life to be. Visualisation is a powerful tool in opening up possibilities to the subconscious mind and saying: Here, this is what I want! Help me make it happen! It’s not quite as easy as that though, because to engage the Universe you need to attach FEELING to your desires. Feelings are what creates your physical energy, therefore your energy can be low or high – anger or love. Once you know what wellness means


Visualisation for a happy mind, body and soul

Visualise Your Best Self Did you know that your mind is a powerful tool in helping you create positive changes in your life? Using creative visualisation can help the subconscious mind to create real and meaningful associations with the feelings and desires of what you truly want to instil in your daily life. This paves the way for a happy mind, body and soul. wealthy Begin by imagining what you would like more of: how you will feel to have it, feel it, be it… and then spend a few minutes playing it out in your mind as if you


You ARE Good Enough!

It’s been a quick year and we’re nearly to Christmas! I wanted to remind each of you that regardless of what stage you may find yourself at on your personal journey through life, always remember…. You ARE good enough! You ARE worth what you want! I believe in you.  If you don’t believe in yourself or your own worth then it’s time to conquer the fear or anger that’s stopping you before it monopolises another year of your life.  To change your life for the better, start with your THOUGHTS about your life. Your thoughts shape your experience and then


5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change To first create change you must know what you want to be different: This is where you are… this is where you want to be. Visualisation is a powerful tool that can impact your subconscious mind when practised regularly. Take a few minutes to breathe slowly, deeply and naturally. Settle your breathing into a natural rhythm and just focus on your breathing. Once your thoughts and breathing settle, visualise your life how you want to be living it: use images, feelings and emotions. Make it as real as you can in your minds’ eye… See


How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

Practising Gratitude Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it’s a wonderful act of gratitude that I teach my students and clients to do on a daily basis. Particularly for those struggling to shift negativity. When our attention is constantly focused on the annoying, uphappy, challenging, upsetting or just plain hard aspects of our lives, negative thoughts can consume us. This constant worry and stress can perpetuate feelings of helplessness, depression and anxiety – particularly leading towards Christmas time. In this state of mental stress and tension it’s all too easy to forget that whatever it is, it will pass in time. In


Get Your Body in Motion to Still Your Mind – Elemental Movement Meditation

I’m excited!! separate monthly Recently I spent a long weekend up in Maleny (near gorgeous Montville and Mapleton on the Sunshine Coast) at a practitioners retreat: learning, sharing, brainstorming and dancing….. yes that’s right, DANCING!! It wasn’t your normal kind of dancing – it was so much more than that. Initially I thought, hmm, I’m not so sure I want to do this in front of a bunch of people I don’t know! BUT… once we began I found myself quickly forgetting about the other people struggling to find their own personal rhythm; some swaying timidly, others clearly uncomfortable and