Boost Your Body Confidence

Boost Your Body Confidence

Body Confidence Boost This weeks’ blog is for all those women and young girls who can’t stand to look at themselves in the mirror – without judgement. I know how challenged you feel at the mere thought of looking in the mirror and liking what you see – let alone asserting you actually love the disappointment who looks back at you. It’s hard to be a self-assured and secure woman in today’s society. Even on a good day one phrase, one word, one look can be all it takes to dent that hard won self-confidence of the woman in the mirror


Homemade Body Scrub and Face Mask

Homemade Body Scrub and Face Mask

Homemade Beauty: Body Scrub and Face Mask I am often complimented on my skin (which is lovely to hear as I age). When people ask what I use, they are often surprised to learn that I actually do not use expensive creams, masks or potions. Putting toxins and chemicals on my face isn’t as appealing as it used to be before I knew what was actually in those products and how they harm the body. Just my like my REAL FOOD Guidelines, I like to keep my beauty routine simple. Unfortunately I was fond of using harsh glycolic acid peals and lightening


This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

My Beautiful 40 Year Old Body For those of you wondering how my knee is healing after surgery in June, it’s been slow, especially as a secondary injury was initially overlooked. Over the years my body has faced tremendous abuse; physical, emotional and self-inflicted. I’ve been hard on myself and pushed my body to breaking point many times with several broken bones, tears and surgeries. Throughout many stressful years my weight struggled to settle because of the severe restriction, starvation and binge/purge episodes I put it through for 18 years. My hormones, metabolism and digestion broke down several times. I


Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger, Find Inner Peace When I was a teenager – angry, in denial, resentful and heavy hearted – my reality was believing I was the victim of mistreatment and neglect. I had no sense of personal responsibility, control or conviction. I simply modelled the coping skills of those who raised me. I learnt how to get angry, yell, scream, blame, over-react, sulk, lash out and quickly ignore matters that were too emotional to feel. After each blow up, things would go back to normal – quickly forgotten, as if they never happened. This frustrated me so much when I was left


3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

Create your confidence and build your self-image by these very simple yet life-changing daily practices. You don’t need anything fancy to begin. You simply need to start making yourself a priority in your own life and pay attention. 3 Ways to transform your confidence:   1. Write down five things you are currently grateful for. (Use the term, “I am grateful for…”.) Focus on the positive feelings that come up as you associate them with your gratitude. Read them aloud and look for new things throughout the day. 2. Look in the mirror and name out loud, five things you admire most about


Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat Sneak Peek + Q & A with Viki

Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat Sneak Peek + Q & A with Viki

Women’s Wellness I am very excited to announce that my first Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat is now confirmed and set for October 10th – 13th! This has been many years of dreams and hard work and now finally I can bring my life, work and personal experience all together in these 4 special days to share with you 🙂 To make it very easy to get a sense of the purpose, aim and intention of my Women’s Retreat, we recorded a short Q & A video, plus an even shorter personal tour video of the beautiful venue, Woodlands of Marburg.


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally


Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Scientific Proof That Being Thankful Improves Your Health By Dr. Lissa Rankin Thursday, November 28th, 2013 On this day of Thanksgiving, people around the United States are expressing gratitude for the bounty of their lives, but many may not realize that in doing so, they are also improving the quality of their health and increasing their life expectancies. The scientific evidence is conclusive when it comes to mood, outlook, and health. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimistic people have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimistic people. But how can you become happier and more


3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

Who’s Looking After You Kid? Are you taking care of yourself? Or are you just going through the motions and neglecting your needs… It’s very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and swept away with the busyness of life – I do this sometimes too, which is why I decided to do something about it and share it with you all. If you sense that your tension, stress, fatigue and tolerance levels are under pressure than perhaps you’re not doing all you can to combat these symptoms or relieve the underlying causes. Get back to basics and do more of what you


Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Do you use essential oils? Do you love healthy chocolate? Recently I was approached by the lovely Berit Munro from The Health and Wellness Company! this issue payday loans She’s on a similar mission to spread the message of healing and hope through self-love and holistic nourishment. Berit has asked me to present at her next Toowoomba workshop and share my love of wellness and raw chocolate. Here’s the official invite flyer. It’s only $10 and it’s coming soon!  YOU ARE INVITED TO AN “EDIBLE ESSENTIAL OIL” CLASS Would you like to learn how to take control of you and your family’s health, whilst creating quick


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Are you in Love or Hate with Your Body? How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependant on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. personal loans lenders for bad credit When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings, become overcome by them, and eventually feel even more weighed down by what’s


Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Stress-related Conditions CAN Happen To Anyone No matter who you are or what you do for a living, we all experience a degree of stress. Are you feeling down, anxious, tired, overwhelmed.. everyday, ordinary people can easily be overcome by prolonged stress when we ignore the signs and symptoms from our own body and mood. What can you do about it to help yourself and manage your stress before it leads to stress-related conditions, illness and disease? Take a 15 minute break to watch this interesting and humble interview with Steve Lynes, Owner of Fitness Works Gym in Toowoomba, to learn ways to identify your own levels of stress, and


You ARE Good Enough!

It’s been a quick year and we’re nearly to Christmas! I wanted to remind each of you that regardless of what stage you may find yourself at on your personal journey through life, always remember…. You ARE good enough! You ARE worth what you want! I believe in you.  If you don’t believe in yourself or your own worth then it’s time to conquer the fear or anger that’s stopping you before it monopolises another year of your life.  To change your life for the better, start with your THOUGHTS about your life. Your thoughts shape your experience and then


How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

Practising Gratitude Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it’s a wonderful act of gratitude that I teach my students and clients to do on a daily basis. Particularly for those struggling to shift negativity. When our attention is constantly focused on the annoying, uphappy, challenging, upsetting or just plain hard aspects of our lives, negative thoughts can consume us. This constant worry and stress can perpetuate feelings of helplessness, depression and anxiety – particularly leading towards Christmas time. In this state of mental stress and tension it’s all too easy to forget that whatever it is, it will pass in time. In


Get Your Body in Motion to Still Your Mind – Elemental Movement Meditation

I’m excited!! separate monthly Recently I spent a long weekend up in Maleny (near gorgeous Montville and Mapleton on the Sunshine Coast) at a practitioners retreat: learning, sharing, brainstorming and dancing….. yes that’s right, DANCING!! It wasn’t your normal kind of dancing – it was so much more than that. Initially I thought, hmm, I’m not so sure I want to do this in front of a bunch of people I don’t know! BUT… once we began I found myself quickly forgetting about the other people struggling to find their own personal rhythm; some swaying timidly, others clearly uncomfortable and