This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

My Beautiful 40 Year Old Body For those of you wondering how my knee is healing after surgery in June, it’s been slow, especially as a secondary injury was initially overlooked. Over the years my body has faced tremendous abuse; physical, emotional and self-inflicted. I’ve been hard on myself and pushed my body to breaking point many times with several broken bones, tears and surgeries. Throughout many stressful years my weight struggled to settle because of the severe restriction, starvation and binge/purge episodes I put it through for 18 years. My hormones, metabolism and digestion broke down several times. I


Green Smoothies and Raw Chocolate – A Food Demonstration Gig!

Green Smoothies and Raw Chocolate - A Food Demonstration Gig!

Green Smoothies and Raw Chocolate This last week I presented and spoke at the Annual ‘QLD Rural, Regional & Remote Women’s Network’ Ag Show Luncheon in Toowoomba. Packing my mason jars, greens, and Omniblend I was prepared for an inspiring food demonstration educating the ladies on the benefits of blending your greens (check out my article and greens video here) for health, energy, reduced cravings and better sleep and concentration. Sharing the stage with three other panellists from different backgrounds and expertise, we engaged in a discussion on, “Eating is an Agricultural Act” and discussed how we can start to improve our health by being aware


How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

My First Self-Love & Wellness Retreat Take Time Out Before You Burn Out Many of you who have met me in person or follow my writings know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. Even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile and she was always ready with a helping hand or a soothing cuddle. As I meet more and more women throughout my work, I think of


How Food Can Improve Your Mood

How Food Can Improve Your Mood

Improve Your Mood with Food Are you finding it hard to juggle the daily demands of life, work and family on top of balancing your eating habits? You’re not alone. Many of my busy clients struggle to get going in the morning and don’t take time to give themselves a nourishing head start. Unfortunately this regular denial creates a cascade of cravings and energy dips for the rest of their day, ruining their healthy eating intentions. When the brain is lacking nutrients, it often overrides the conscious mind by reaching for convenient, packaged and processed foods to ensure it gets


Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Believe In Yourself Last Friday I received a phone call telling me I’d been nominated for The Chronicle Trilby Misso Community Hero Award… and I was AWARDED it!!! I was so surprised, much humbled, and deeply grateful to have my work recognised within my own community. This surprise news was quite timely, as recently I have overcome some long-held limiting beliefs and significantly invested in myself and my business by enrolling in Entrepreneurial Business School. I had wanted to do it for the last three years but always found excuses and reasons as to why I couldn’t or shouldn’t. (Not good enough syndrome).


Take positive steps forward and climb mountains of fitness

Take positive steps forward and climb mountains of fitness

Move it or lose it This morning we challenged our fitness climbing Tabletop Mountain, on the Toowoomba range, for the fourth time in a week. for unemployment benefits Last Saturday morning. Wednesday morning. Friday morning. And today – Sunday morning –  the first time with the children. Last Saturday’s effort was the second time we’d ever climbed this local historic mountain. The first time we climbed it in 2011 was memorable, and not just because we left the water in the car! Rather because: 1. We took the children (slow & dramatic!) 2. It was before Beloveds knee surgery when his


How to Combat Stress in Daily Life + New Toowoomba Meditation Classes

How to Combat Stress in Daily Life + New Toowoomba Meditation Classes

To Fight or Flight ? Understand your stress responses  PLUS 10 Tips to combat stress in daily life! Stress: A pesky little word that gets tossed around a great deal in modern day life. We stress about things, we feel stressed by stuff, and situations are stressful… But do you really understand stress, and more importantly, how it affects your body? To combat stress, our bodies have a built-in protection mechanism called the Fight or Flight response. Normal day to day interactions aren’t likely to cause us physical harm, so most of the time our body is (or it should be!)


Let Go in 2014 – Your New Years Resolutions

Let Go in 2014 - Your New Years Resolutions

I Choose to Let Go! In life we accumulate so much “stuff”. Some would call it baggage: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual. We focus on the bad things, carry past hurts and resentments, and rarely stop to alleviate the burdens we carry along the way. We tend to overwhelm ourselves with all that needs doing, everything we want to change, thoughts of not being good enough. Our minds are incessantly firing worrying, fearful and negative thoughts all over the place. Much to our distracted conscious awareness. We are consumed by our thinking about things, people, feelings or beliefs. And we often forget that our


How to Make Worry Your Best Friend

How to Make Worry Your Best Friend

Worry Wars In a recent post on Facebook, Cheryl Richardson – the original Personal Growth Coach – made a lovely confession about worrying: “This morning I woke up worrying. It didn’t start out that way. I opened my eyes to bright sunlight and smiled as I felt the warmth of Michael’s body next to mine and the familiar weight of Poupon cuddled on top of my feet. My moment of bliss went to hell in a handbasket though, the moment my mind joined the party and created a racket!” Worrying is something we all do, however it’s usually at the cost of our


Healthy Sexy Slow Eating

Pleasure Eating By Marc David, Institute for the Psychology of Eating In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2009, eating a meal quickly rather than at a slow pace, diminishes the release of hormones in the gut that help create the feeling of being full. When these hormones – specifically PYY and GLP-1 are low, the unwanted result is simply this: overeating. The implication here is that the body needs time to regulate the chemical messengers that control our food intake. According to another study, published in the British Medical Journal in October 2008


Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Be Thankful to be Healthy: Scientific Proof that Gratitude Improves Your Health

Scientific Proof That Being Thankful Improves Your Health By Dr. Lissa Rankin Thursday, November 28th, 2013 On this day of Thanksgiving, people around the United States are expressing gratitude for the bounty of their lives, but many may not realize that in doing so, they are also improving the quality of their health and increasing their life expectancies. The scientific evidence is conclusive when it comes to mood, outlook, and health. Happy people live 7-10 years longer than unhappy people, and optimistic people have a 77% lower risk of heart disease than pessimistic people. But how can you become happier and more


5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

Feeling Low? Try these uplifting foods! Many of you have heard me talk or write about the importance of nutrients and cell nourishment in creating the neuro-nutrients (brain food), neurotransmitters and hormones to fuel the communication channels between the brain and body. Every bit of food we eat – our nutrition quality – can create direct and immediate chemical changes within the body and brain to improve mood, energy, concentration, digestion, metabolism and general wellbeing. We literally rely on the foods we eat to create the nutrients we need for every function within the body. Combine our daily life stressors on top of our


Sugar Facts For Your Health & Waistline

Sugar Facts For Your Health & Waistline

The Facts About Sugar By Dr Libby (Check out My Top 5 Natural Sweeteners) Sugar is the hot topic in the nutrition world at the moment. It is no secret to many that we are eating too much of what has been coined by some as “white poison.” The World Health Organizations (WHO) recommends that the intake of sugars be less than 10 percent of total energy intake. Yet those living in Australia and New Zealand are having an amount that far exceeds this. What is most surprising is just how far this substance has invaded the modern diet. Salad dressings,


3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

Who’s Looking After You Kid? Are you taking care of yourself? Or are you just going through the motions and neglecting your needs… It’s very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and swept away with the busyness of life – I do this sometimes too, which is why I decided to do something about it and share it with you all. If you sense that your tension, stress, fatigue and tolerance levels are under pressure than perhaps you’re not doing all you can to combat these symptoms or relieve the underlying causes. Get back to basics and do more of what you


Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Do you use essential oils? Do you love healthy chocolate? Recently I was approached by the lovely Berit Munro from The Health and Wellness Company! this issue payday loans She’s on a similar mission to spread the message of healing and hope through self-love and holistic nourishment. Berit has asked me to present at her next Toowoomba workshop and share my love of wellness and raw chocolate. Here’s the official invite flyer. It’s only $10 and it’s coming soon!  YOU ARE INVITED TO AN “EDIBLE ESSENTIAL OIL” CLASS Would you like to learn how to take control of you and your family’s health, whilst creating quick