3 Steps to Embrace Your Body Now

3 Steps to Embrace Your Body Now

Embrace Your Body in 3 Steps, NOW Ready to embrace your body, dump the hate and stop punishing it with endless diets and negative self-talk? Recently I attended the first Toowoomba screening of the new documentary, EMBRACE by Taryn Brumfitt. Hundreds of women, men and children have attended in our region, but after watching, feeling inspired, shedding tears and finding hope… now what? It’s opened a huge pandoras box for so many women who are now wondering, well just HOW do I embrace my body? What do I do? Our bodies are nobody else’s business, yet we constantly allow ourselves to be distracted by comparison,


3 Keys to Cultivate Self-Love {Podcast}

3 Keys to Cultivate Self-Love {Podcast}

3 Keys to Cultivate Self-Love PODCAST EPISODE   We all need a little help in how to cultivate self-love, gratitude and a positive mindset. So earlier this week I shared an inspiring talk with Nicole Coggiola, Health & Lifestyle Coach over at the Nourished Goddess. I’ve discovered I really enjoy connecting with like-minded souls around the world and sharing interesting conversations and stories that speak my language. This one dives a little deeper into the importance of the mind and gratitude when making healthy lifestyle changes. Aspects that can’t be ignored when creating inner transformation for outer change. It’s all about being a


She’s Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication

She's Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication

She’s Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication! Here’s How….   For those of you experiencing depression, anxiety, isolation or low self-esteem, I want to share this story with you to provide hope for a future you might not yet be able to imagine possible… Last week after teaching a postgraduate course on Autonomic Nervous System Reprogramming to my MindBodyFood Institute Advanced Diploma students, I received this totally unexpected gift of appreciation. The student who gave it to me came to this work after working with me on her self-doubt, insecurities and personal fulfillment. She wanted to feel happier, healthier and create a sense


{Podcast} Rewrite Your Life Story with Chris O’Hearn

{Podcast} Rewrite Your Life Story with Chris O'Hearn

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST How to Rewrite Your Life Story! We all have that one story that we like to tell ourselves or others from our youth. A defining moment that may have felt unfair, painful, hurtful, justified. We’ve often told this story (what may feel like) a thousand times, and maybe that “fish” has gotten bigger every time you tell it! Where do the stories we tell ourselves come from? What decides if we react or respond in any situation? What holds our values and beliefs, and creates our feelings and behaviours? THE THOUGHTS IN OUR MIND. I’m sure you’ve heard that the


How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Build Your Self-Esteem

How to Set Healthy Boundaries and Build Your Self-Esteem

Need Help Setting Healthy Personal Boundaries? If you feel uncomfortable with someone else in your space, if you’re feeling angry when other’s won’t listen, or when other’s continue to mistreat you or behave in inappropriate ways, then you may need to step up and start getting clear about your personal boundaries. Healthy boundaries are necessary to protect all areas of your life. For example: Material boundaries determine whether you give or lend things, such as your money, car, clothes or books. Physical boundaries help you determine who may touch you and under what circumstances. Mental boundaries apply to your thoughts, values,


Manage Stress with Meditation

Manage Stress with Meditation

Manage Stress with Meditation   You’ve probably heard a lot of positive things about Meditation like it’s great for stress, heart issues, sleeping, mindful eating, weight control, concentration, healing etc., but maybe you’ve thought: I don’t know where to start I don’t have time for meditation I’m not interested in any religion I’ve tried it before but it didn’t stick, or the style didn’t suit me I don’t know if I’m doing it right [Tweet “There are a lot of reasons why people are discovering meditation but the biggest one is stress.”] I often have new clients and students contact me for medical reasons: “I have


{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   Do you struggle with self-sabotaging beliefs? Do you get so far on your health and wellness journey, start to see positive changes, feel like you’re actually making progress and starting to feel more energy, more positivity and even a glimpse of self-love… And then all of a sudden….. something happens that triggers your subconscious mind and you come to a screaming holt, reverting back to old habits of thinking, feeling and behaving?! Maybe you find yourself focusing back on your food: restricting again, cutting foods out.. At the end of the day you might find yourself hungry, but


What’s Holding You Back?

What's Holding You Back?

  Have you ever shown up and did something that you weren’t initially sure about – do I know enough, can I pull this off, will I be able to deliver – but then totally surprised yourself by how much fun you had, and how comfortably you took to it when you did? That’s how I feel now after finally stepping up to the plate this year and teaching the yoga portion of the first half of my yoga and meditation classes. I love teaching meditation – I love teaching, connecting and engaging with people in general. But I hadn’t realised just how


Let Go of Anger to Make Way for Forgiveness

Let Go of Anger to Make Way for Forgiveness

Turn Anger to Forgiveness Forgiveness is a huge topic that can often open up many old wounds, stifling our ability to live fully and freely in the now. Angry thoughts of injustice, vengeance and retaliation can run riot in your mind, creating more stress and discomfort in your body. Forgiveness is generally defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you. This conscious act is done regardless of whether the person or group actually deserves your forgiveness. Just as important as defining what forgiveness is, though, is understanding what forgiveness


Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales: Audio Interview

Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales: Audio Interview

Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales Audio Interview Thank you Robyn Patton Intuitive Nourishment who interviewed me recently about body hate, dieting, the scales & vulnerability. ‪ Time for some #‎realtalk‬ so we can get comfortable with uncomfortable feelings and make space for learning to navigate them. Let me know what you think! V xo     About Viki Viki Thondley is a Mind-Body Wellness Specialist and qualified Holistic Counsellor, Food, Stress & Lifestyle Coach, Meditation Therapist, and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach who inspires women to shift from limited thinking, low self-esteem and restriction to whole-self nourishment, body confidence and whole food healing. Recovered from bulimia


Overcome Negative Body Image

Overcome Negative Body Image

Overcome Negative Body-Image Here’s how just one of many clients did it! Sometimes in my coaching practice I need to get down into the pit with a client… really sit down in the mud with them and wade through the shit in their lives. It’s my job to hold steadfast as an anchor for them while they experience losing control or embracing their fear. Whatever the overwhelming emotion is, I’m always willing to go to the depths with them in order to help guide them back out of it. Not many traditional therapists allow themselves to do that, with the idea


Body Image, Acceptance and the Dreaded Scales

Body Image, Acceptance and the Dreaded Scales

Body Image and the Dreaded Scales So after I shared my previous Vulnerability post today THIS happened…… Warning – Real and honest body talk here after they made me get on the scales… Well, actually I chose to. It was either get on or don’t donate. #BIMGA #bodyimagemovement Posted by Mindbodyfood with Viki Thondley on Monday, October 26, 2015   About Viki Viki Thondley is a Mind-Body Wellness Specialist and qualified Holistic Counsellor, Food, Stress & Lifestyle Coach, Meditation Therapist, and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach who inspires women to shift from limited thinking, low self-esteem and restriction to whole-self nourishment, body confidence and


I Felt Like a Fat Failure

I Felt Like a Fat Failure

VULNERABILITY ALERT… (spoiler, I’m not perfect) Yesterday I felt like a fat, inauthentic, hypocritical failure. I know I’ve gotten into some bad habits this year as I’ve struggled to balance a growing business and demand for my time with now building a second training institute, being a supportive partner, a loving and present step-mum, and delivering consistent energy and enthusiasm at my classes, workshops and live events. Somewhere in there I forgot to PRIORITISE myself. I forgot that my body doesn’t like missing breakfast, and especially does NOT like skipping lunch or being delayed to the point of feeling famished.


Is Being Healthy Your Obsession?

Is Being Healthy Your Obsession?

I really dislike labels. I especially dislike labelling the way we eat, the way we look, and the way we behave. “I eat clean. I am fat. I am a perfectionist.” Why do we need to make judgement instead of making way for growth, understanding and change? Labelling the way we eat is a dangerous tendency. We get so caught up in whether we’re doing it right or not. It develops a righteous thinking attitude, that for some can translate into control: If I can control my healthy diet, I can control the way I feel. Strong, intelligent and capable


Stop Controlling Food

Stop Controlling Food

Who’s in Control? You or Food? QUESTION for you: Why are you so afraid to let go of controlling your food? Is the answer something like, “Because I’ll put on weight!” So you’re afraid of putting on weight and that’s why you control your food so rigidly? Ok. So what if you do put on some weight? Will it kill you? Will you suddenly become unlovable? Will your family and co-workers disown you? No! Maybe your body might put on a little weight in an attempt to trust you enough to nourish it regularly before it can regain a sense of