Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

From Medication to Freedom! How my Achieving Your Wellness coaching program has helped my client move from medication to freedom. I have an intelligent, insightful and attractive young client who came to meet and work with me late last year in 2013. At only 18 she had spent years on anti-depressants suffering low moods, unhappiness, isolation and body image concerns that bordered on disordered eating. Her dreams of travel, true happiness, connection and vibrant health were being hindered by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits and behaviours. She came to me with a desperate need to combat the life she had created for herself and turn


Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Worth Your Weight Bathroom scales. Do you have one? We don’t have a bathroom scale in our house. I’ve not weighed myself in years. I don’t look to one for punishment, judgement or expectation ANY MORE. I once relied on the bathroom scales for my self-worth. I looked to it for my daily allowance of food. I feared its’ judgement but I was compelled to step on it and wait anxiously for my result. My whole mindset and mood was determined by that number. The thing now is that I no longer measure my self-worth by a number on the scale.


Merry Christmas + Happy Eating Tips on Xmas Day

MERRY CHRISTMAS + happy eating tips! It’s that time of year again – when many of us freak out at the abundant supply of festive food that is often on our “forbidden/bad/diet says no” lists. Personally I don’t struggle with festive food like I used to in the throws of my Eating Disorder days. I simply know what I’m eating by preparing many foods myself with whole, natural and nutrient dense freshness. If I can’t really tell what’s in the food on the serving plates I don’t eat it. I always make sure that I continue to get up and


Healthy Sexy Slow Eating

Pleasure Eating By Marc David, Institute for the Psychology of Eating In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2009, eating a meal quickly rather than at a slow pace, diminishes the release of hormones in the gut that help create the feeling of being full. When these hormones – specifically PYY and GLP-1 are low, the unwanted result is simply this: overeating. The implication here is that the body needs time to regulate the chemical messengers that control our food intake. According to another study, published in the British Medical Journal in October 2008


Sugar Facts For Your Health & Waistline

Sugar Facts For Your Health & Waistline

The Facts About Sugar By Dr Libby (Check out My Top 5 Natural Sweeteners) Sugar is the hot topic in the nutrition world at the moment. It is no secret to many that we are eating too much of what has been coined by some as “white poison.” The World Health Organizations (WHO) recommends that the intake of sugars be less than 10 percent of total energy intake. Yet those living in Australia and New Zealand are having an amount that far exceeds this. What is most surprising is just how far this substance has invaded the modern diet. Salad dressings,


Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Upcoming Workshop with Essential Oils and Chocolate!

Do you use essential oils? Do you love healthy chocolate? Recently I was approached by the lovely Berit Munro from The Health and Wellness Company! this issue payday loans She’s on a similar mission to spread the message of healing and hope through self-love and holistic nourishment. Berit has asked me to present at her next Toowoomba workshop and share my love of wellness and raw chocolate. Here’s the official invite flyer. It’s only $10 and it’s coming soon!  YOU ARE INVITED TO AN “EDIBLE ESSENTIAL OIL” CLASS Would you like to learn how to take control of you and your family’s health, whilst creating quick


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Are you in Love or Hate with Your Body? How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependant on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. personal loans lenders for bad credit When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings, become overcome by them, and eventually feel even more weighed down by what’s


HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN!

HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN!

HOW You Eat is Just As Important As WHAT You Eat and WHEN! Many of you have heard me talk about food designers before. They have the task of creating the perfect ratio of fat, sugar and salt in a food product that will create opiates in the brain to have you craving more! People already restricting themselves find these cravings overwhelming and will often berate themselves and feel like failures, believing they have no willpower or motivation. This often leads to comfort or emotional eating, which of course is only feeding the cravings. People try so hard to eat healthy,


Are You Eating Your Feelings & Emotions?

Are You Eating Your Feelings & Emotions?

Do you EAT your feelings? It might be a fear of not being good enough, a tendency to follow instead of speak up, or simply daily life challenges building up. When you find yourself emotional eating, have you ever thought about what it is you’re trying to avoid? The most effective way of overcoming emotional eating is to FEEL your feelings instead of pushing them way down into your cells and piling food on top of them. Change and uncertainty take time to adjust to. The longer you ignore, discard or push aside what you are TRULY feeling, the deeper they will go


Recovering from Bulimia

Recovering from Bulimia

I am Recovered… In 2011 I moved house and home to be with the man I loved, and to start my own business to do what I do best – help and inspire others. Until recently I had refused taking on clients with Eating Disorders. Any close association elicited a strong urge to resist the memory of what my own existence and struggle was; I had been focusing my energy into moving forward and releasing the past. Making the decision to take my passion and put it to good use in my new community forces me to recall things I have learnt


Losing Weight for Health

Losing Weight for Health

Lose Weight – Your health depends on it. If you are facing health issues such as chronic inflammation, diabetes, cardio-vascular risks, auto-immune condition, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, depression, cravings, high blood pressure and arthritis – then you need to seriously attend to the extra kilo’s you are carrying around. Quite possibly you are well aware that you have a problem needing attention. Very possibly you’ve been aware for some time but have resisted admitting that fact to yourself for whatever reason. You may know already what it is you need to do, or you may lack motivation to change your habits because


Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating

Are you thinking, breathing and fearing food 24/7…? What we think and how we feel often dictates what we eat, if we should eat and when we should eat. This may lead us to console our emotions with food we don’t really want or need but that temporarily might make us feel better. Without a healthy self-image or balanced lifestyle, this may be enough to permanently chip away at your self-confidence and further influence your emotions. In the long term, it may be enough to spark a greater issue with food and body-image, leading to disordered eating. Do you reach