I Miss My Mother on Mother’s Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Miss My Mother on Mother's Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Remember, on Mother’s Day Many of you who have met me in person know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. And even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile, and she was always ready with a helping hand, and a soothing rock-me-gently cuddle. One of her greatest disappointments was knowing she would not see her daughters mature into mothers, and her grand-children be born


Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Believe In Yourself Last Friday I received a phone call telling me I’d been nominated for The Chronicle Trilby Misso Community Hero Award… and I was AWARDED it!!! I was so surprised, much humbled, and deeply grateful to have my work recognised within my own community. This surprise news was quite timely, as recently I have overcome some long-held limiting beliefs and significantly invested in myself and my business by enrolling in Entrepreneurial Business School. I had wanted to do it for the last three years but always found excuses and reasons as to why I couldn’t or shouldn’t. (Not good enough syndrome).


How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

Stress & Release We are such creatures of taking everything personally and feeling the weight of hurt and pain, rejection or worth. I love Anthony Hopkins philosophy that it’s none of my business what other’s think of me. The problem is I didn’t know that as a teenager and took EVERYTHING personally. Until a few years ago, well into my thirties, my mind and body was filled with the anguish of thinking I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, and especially not thin enough… I ended up spending the majority of my life creating my own internal stress and contributing to my


What Works When Dieting Doesn’t

What Works When Dieting Doesn't

Dieting Disasters It annoys and saddens me when people ask, “So what diet do you follow Viki?” Let’s be clear: I DON’T diet. I spent years dieting and it got me nowhere. I tried diet after diet. I was hungry, miserable, tired, cranky and didn’t really learn much at all about myself, my body or why I was eating the way I was, to get to that point in the first place. Following a plan was challenging because I wasn’t allowed to be in control. I had to follow what was laid out in front of me and make myself adhere


The Most Important Message You’ll Read Today

The Most Important Message You'll Read Today

The Inside Job Do you ever look in the mirror and make a point of finding something positive about yourself – instead of only seeing the bits you don’t like and want to change? So many people wait for the right moment or circumstance before they allow themselves to be happy: “When I’m thin, I’ll be happy. After I’m married, I’ll be happy. When I’m driving that car, working in that job, feel like I deserve it… then I’ll be happy.” How would you like to: > look in the mirror and love your reflection? > feel positive about yourself and your life?


Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

From Medication to Freedom! How my Achieving Your Wellness coaching program has helped my client move from medication to freedom. I have an intelligent, insightful and attractive young client who came to meet and work with me late last year in 2013. At only 18 she had spent years on anti-depressants suffering low moods, unhappiness, isolation and body image concerns that bordered on disordered eating. Her dreams of travel, true happiness, connection and vibrant health were being hindered by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits and behaviours. She came to me with a desperate need to combat the life she had created for herself and turn


Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat Sneak Peek + Q & A with Viki

Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat Sneak Peek + Q & A with Viki

Women’s Wellness I am very excited to announce that my first Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat is now confirmed and set for October 10th – 13th! This has been many years of dreams and hard work and now finally I can bring my life, work and personal experience all together in these 4 special days to share with you 🙂 To make it very easy to get a sense of the purpose, aim and intention of my Women’s Retreat, we recorded a short Q & A video, plus an even shorter personal tour video of the beautiful venue, Woodlands of Marburg.


New Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

New Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

NEW Women’s Wellness Retreat + Group Coaching Course! This year I turn 40! My dream has always been to host a Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat – the kind of spiritual experience that I myself would love to go to and share with like-minded souls; the kind of retreat where you are fully allowed to immerse yourself into your inner world and give yourself permission to let go of the past and rebuild or strengthen your most important relationship… (hint: it’s with YOURSELF!) What better way to celebrate my 40th year than to host my very own inaugural MindBodyFood “Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat“


Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Worth Your Weight Bathroom scales. Do you have one? We don’t have a bathroom scale in our house. I’ve not weighed myself in years. I don’t look to one for punishment, judgement or expectation ANY MORE. I once relied on the bathroom scales for my self-worth. I looked to it for my daily allowance of food. I feared its’ judgement but I was compelled to step on it and wait anxiously for my result. My whole mindset and mood was determined by that number. The thing now is that I no longer measure my self-worth by a number on the scale.


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally


Merry Christmas + Happy Eating Tips on Xmas Day

MERRY CHRISTMAS + happy eating tips! It’s that time of year again – when many of us freak out at the abundant supply of festive food that is often on our “forbidden/bad/diet says no” lists. http://susieandmedays.com/html/ Personally I don’t struggle with festive food like I used to in the throws of my Eating Disorder days. I simply know what I’m eating by preparing many foods myself with whole, natural and nutrient dense freshness. If I can’t really tell what’s in the food on the serving plates I don’t eat it. I always make sure that I continue to get up and


How to Make Worry Your Best Friend

How to Make Worry Your Best Friend

Worry Wars In a recent post on Facebook, Cheryl Richardson – the original Personal Growth Coach – made a lovely confession about worrying: “This morning I woke up worrying. It didn’t start out that way. I opened my eyes to bright sunlight and smiled as I felt the warmth of Michael’s body next to mine and the familiar weight of Poupon cuddled on top of my feet. My moment of bliss went to hell in a handbasket though, the moment my mind joined the party and created a racket!” Worrying is something we all do, however it’s usually at the cost of our


Healthy Sexy Slow Eating

Pleasure Eating By Marc David, Institute for the Psychology of Eating In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism in 2009, eating a meal quickly rather than at a slow pace, diminishes the release of hormones in the gut that help create the feeling of being full. When these hormones – specifically PYY and GLP-1 are low, the unwanted result is simply this: overeating. The implication here is that the body needs time to regulate the chemical messengers that control our food intake. According to another study, published in the British Medical Journal in October 2008


Natural, Functional and Fun Movement for Energy, Strength and Weight Loss

Natural, Functional and Fun Movement for Energy, Strength and Weight Loss

Natural Movement, Real Food, Healthy Mindset Last week on my way home from a 4 day practitioner retreat on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, I stopped into Buderim Forest Park to meet with Clint and Aimee from Primal Influence. They view health and fitness from a similar holistic approach as I do, which is why I wanted to talk with them about what they do, how they do it and why. Clint came from a background of not being able to enjoy a lot of physical activity because of his size. This resonated with where I started many years ago at holding


3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

3 tips for Self-Care & Looking After YOU!

Who’s Looking After You Kid? Are you taking care of yourself? Or are you just going through the motions and neglecting your needs… It’s very easy to get caught up in the daily grind and swept away with the busyness of life – I do this sometimes too, which is why I decided to do something about it and share it with you all. If you sense that your tension, stress, fatigue and tolerance levels are under pressure than perhaps you’re not doing all you can to combat these symptoms or relieve the underlying causes. Get back to basics and do more of what you