Release Emotional Pain with This Simple Practice

Release Emotional Pain with This Simple Practice

A Simple Energy Practice to Release Emotional Pain   Ho’oponopono (pronounced “hoh-OH-pohno-pohno) is an ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. In Hawaiian, Ho’oponopono means “to make right or to rectify an error.” This may not necessarily be something literal that you have done. An “error” can also be a memory network of emotions, words, situations and behaviours that replay in your subconscious mind and feed your limiting beliefs. Are you carrying around emotional pain that has turned into physical pain? Do you feel heavy and weighed down by the burden of feelings? Are you using food, alcohol


Is Self-Worth Found In the ‘Perfect’ Sized Jeans?

Is Self-Worth Found In the 'Perfect' Sized Jeans?

Is Self-Worth Found In the ‘Perfect’ Sized Jeans? During a little spring clean of my denim jeans drawer last week I was inspired to create a video for my YouTube Channel and bare my bedroom clean-out with all my social media subscribers. Apparently I was oblivious to just how many pairs of denim jeans I had accumulated and held onto over the last ten years – waiting for the day I was ‘thin enough’ to wear them again.  For some reason every time my Beloved would help me clean out my wardrobe (you know, with the approving nod or the toss-it-out shake) I


Boost Your Body Confidence

Boost Your Body Confidence

Body Confidence Boost This weeks’ blog is for all those women and young girls who can’t stand to look at themselves in the mirror – without judgement. I know how challenged you feel at the mere thought of looking in the mirror and liking what you see – let alone asserting you actually love the disappointment who looks back at you. It’s hard to be a self-assured and secure woman in today’s society. Even on a good day one phrase, one word, one look can be all it takes to dent that hard won self-confidence of the woman in the mirror


My Interview on HOT FM

My Interview on HOT FM

HOT FM Interview I love talking on the radio, especially going into the studio and sitting around all the equipment that I would have a ball playing around with! I wouldn’t know what I was doing but I know I’d have fun! This morning I spoke on the radio with Hamish and Tanya from HOT FM 100.7 in Toowoomba. The interview was by phone and is a quick chat on women, food, dieting and emotional eating. It’s nice and short at four minutes long so it won’t take a lot of time for you to listen in while you’re working or pottering


The secret to Visualisation and Creating Change

The secret to Visualisation and Creating Change

Visualisation Secret to Create Change Every January millions around the world make New Year’s Resolutions. They have the best of intentions to create change and often convince themselves that this time they’re really going to do it. One small problem: only thinking that you want to make change, is not physically going to create any! You firstly need to write your goals down so you can see them and make them appear real – preferably in big bold letters on colourful paper. You can even decorate a vision board on large cardboard, covered with pictures, symbols, words and drawings that summarise and capture the essence of


Do you Love or Hate your Body?

Do you Love or Hate your Body?

Body Love Heals Body Hate How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependent on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings. We start feeling overcome by them, and stop noticing anything good about ourselves. [Tweet “Your body is a beautiful complex machine. “] It keeps you upright, breathing


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Summer Body-Love/Hate It’s certainly been warming up in the great south east. Makes me think about humid days, cool dresses and wearing a bathing suit in public… Does that thought fill your head with dread? As a child I loved summer. The adolescent me however, was struck with fear about what it represented. If you wanted to swim in the local pool or frolic on the beach, it meant baring your body beautiful and being on display – something I was definitely not comfortable with back then. It was enough to make me stop eating or take up marathon running!


Why Women are more alike than they think

Why Women are more alike than they think

Self-Love, a Retreat for the Soul Recently I hosted my 4 day Women’s Wellness and Meditation Retreat for a large group of beautiful and brave women. WOW! Awesome experience I’ve waited patiently for years to be able to create and host. Most of the ladies came from the Darling Downs; however a few travelled from New South Wales, ACT and the Sunshine Coast to be with us. These ladies were of course, all different. They ranged in ages from 27 to 66 years old. They each had a story – some quite a few. They had experienced all the modern


This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

My Beautiful 40 Year Old Body For those of you wondering how my knee is healing after surgery in June, it’s been slow, especially as a secondary injury was initially overlooked. Over the years my body has faced tremendous abuse; physical, emotional and self-inflicted. I’ve been hard on myself and pushed my body to breaking point many times with several broken bones, tears and surgeries. Throughout many stressful years my weight struggled to settle because of the severe restriction, starvation and binge/purge episodes I put it through for 18 years. My hormones, metabolism and digestion broke down several times. I


How to Slow Down, Take Stock and Enjoy Life More

How to Slow Down, Take Stock and Enjoy Life More

Slow Down, Do More Do you feel like you’re always on the run trying to get ‘stuff’ done? Always feeling a little behind, like there’s no time to catch up? Do you regularly feel or have thoughts that you’re overwhelmed, stressed, rushed and hurried, and never have time for yourself? In our modern fast-paced world, life balance is a major problem that we all struggle to maintain. I’m certainly no exception to this. There are just so many things I want to do, experience, create and share but there never seems enough time for all of it. I know many of


How to Create Healthy Personal Boundaries

How to Create Healthy Personal Boundaries

Creating Healthy Boundaries Imagine you KNOW that you’re the most important person in your life…. You wake up with energy and can’t wait to get going! You look in the mirror and love what you see! You make time to calm your mind, move your body and feed your soul – every day. You love yourself – and it shows with every thought you think, word you speak, and food choice you make. If you don’t immediately and whole-heartedly believe YOU are the most worthy and deserving person in your life, then time to reassess why, and where the bulk of your


How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

My First Self-Love & Wellness Retreat Take Time Out Before You Burn Out Many of you who have met me in person or follow my writings know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. Even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile and she was always ready with a helping hand or a soothing cuddle. As I meet more and more women throughout my work, I think of


Eating Psychology Conference 2014

Eating Psychology Conference 2014

FREE Eating Psychology Online Conference Obesity, overeating, body image concerns, emotional challenges with food, and diet-related health issues have permeated our society, culture and mindsets. We’ve become the most unhealthy and unhappy we’ve ever been! Throughout my own recovery a huge A-ha! moment was realising that even though I was trying my hardest to watch what I ate and eat “healthy” food, my constant dogmatic, rigid and restrictive thinking was placing so much stress and imbalance within my body that it was impossible for me to find a healthy balance and weight. My digestive fire was just a glimmer of


Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger, Find Inner Peace When I was a teenager – angry, in denial, resentful and heavy hearted – my reality was believing I was the victim of mistreatment and neglect. I had no sense of personal responsibility, control or conviction. I simply modelled the coping skills of those who raised me. I learnt how to get angry, yell, scream, blame, over-react, sulk, lash out and quickly ignore matters that were too emotional to feel. After each blow up, things would go back to normal – quickly forgotten, as if they never happened. This frustrated me so much when I was left


3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

Create your confidence and build your self-image by these very simple yet life-changing daily practices. You don’t need anything fancy to begin. You simply need to start making yourself a priority in your own life and pay attention. 3 Ways to transform your confidence:   1. Write down five things you are currently grateful for. (Use the term, “I am grateful for…”.) Focus on the positive feelings that come up as you associate them with your gratitude. Read them aloud and look for new things throughout the day. 2. Look in the mirror and name out loud, five things you admire most about