How Food Can Improve Your Mood

How Food Can Improve Your Mood

Improve Your Mood with Food Are you finding it hard to juggle the daily demands of life, work and family on top of balancing your eating habits? You’re not alone. Many of my busy clients struggle to get going in the morning and don’t take time to give themselves a nourishing head start. Unfortunately this regular denial creates a cascade of cravings and energy dips for the rest of their day, ruining their healthy eating intentions. When the brain is lacking nutrients, it often overrides the conscious mind by reaching for convenient, packaged and processed foods to ensure it gets


10 Tips to Stress Less Now!

10 Tips to Stress Less Now!

Stress Less Now! Stress is now the number one underlying cause of all illness and disease in modern society. If you’re not sure what stress actually is or how it affects the body (physiologic responses) then check out my article on What is Stress that also includes 10 tips for promoting the Relaxation Response. Over-stimulation, achievement, demands, stimulus, finance and relationship challenges, children and lack of exercise…. the responsibilities all adds up. If we’re not stopping regularly to recharge our minds, bodies and spirits, then chronic stress hormones begin to damage the body and lead to illness and disease down the track. You


Reflections on Food Addiction From a Recovered Former Addict

Reflections on Food Addiction From a Recovered Former Addict

Food Addiction & Recovery Yesterday I was making some Dark and Milk Raw Chocolate for the gift boxes at this Saturday’s Raw and Healthy Easy Chocolate Delights workshop while watching my eating psychology videos. It got me thinking about how much my relationship to food, my body, sugar and eating has changed over the years from the tormented and distressed fear of weight gain, endless restriction, obsession and confusion I lived with in every waking moment…. I had no respect for hunger, fulfilment, boundaries, needs, nourishment or awareness. I really didn’t know what the hell I was doing back then because


3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

Create your confidence and build your self-image by these very simple yet life-changing daily practices. You don’t need anything fancy to begin. You simply need to start making yourself a priority in your own life and pay attention. 3 Ways to transform your confidence:   1. Write down five things you are currently grateful for. (Use the term, “I am grateful for…”.) Focus on the positive feelings that come up as you associate them with your gratitude. Read them aloud and look for new things throughout the day. 2. Look in the mirror and name out loud, five things you admire most about


Trust Your Inner Wisdom (and break free from Dieting)

Trust Your Inner Wisdom (and break free from Dieting)

The Wisdom of Dieting Who’s been on a diet before – lost weight, regained weight and done the whole thing over again? The word ‘diet’ has evolved over many years of experimentation. It used to summarise your daily assortment of nutrients or food intake, but over the years ‘diet and dieting’ have become more about restriction, starvation and deprivation. When we don’t like our reflection, especially those thighs and that stomach, we tend to blame our body and put it on a diet. When we have no energy and feel bad about ourselves, we often think we’re not trying hard


How to make the most Tastiest Healthy Basil Pesto (Recipe)

How to make the most Tastiest Healthy Basil Pesto (Recipe)

Basil Pesto Recipe I LOVE making my healthy pestos and dips! Who needs the unnecessary oils, preservatives and sugars in commercial dips when it’s so easy to whip up your own and bump up your nutrient intake. I just love being able to walk out the backyard and pick from our ever-growing herb and vegetable garden and mix them with some beautiful cold pressed macadamia, coconut or olive oils, nuts, seeds, apple cider vinegar, garlic, citrus juices and good old cracked pepper and sea salt…. YUM! Even though it takes time and devotion to keep nurturing your garden, the rewards


I Miss My Mother on Mother’s Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Miss My Mother on Mother's Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Remember, on Mother’s Day Many of you who have met me in person know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. And even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile, and she was always ready with a helping hand, and a soothing rock-me-gently cuddle. One of her greatest disappointments was knowing she would not see her daughters mature into mothers, and her grand-children be born


Do You Have to do This at Parties?

Do You Have to do This at Parties?

Do you BYO Gluten-free to a Party? Over the weekend we spent time in Brisbane celebrating a close friends 40th Birthday. Turns out, my gluten-free dairy-free double layer Coconut Chocolate Cake was a delicious lifesaver for a Celiac guest at the party. She had brought her own container of fruit salad and drank several mugs of tea while others drank alcohol. She politely thanked and refused every single tray of food (mostly fried pastry assortments) that came around in front of her. She smiled with patience every time, never getting annoyed or frustrated, even after the dozenth time she was offered a serving of gluten.


This One Thing Can Change Your Life

This One Thing Can Change Your Life

Change Your Life With This One Thing It has always amazed me how the Sun has an ability to not just warm my skin, but blanket me in an invisible sense of positivity, joy and gratefulness for being alive. There are so many small yet significant occurrences that happen around us every day, just waiting to provide a little more happiness, purpose and ease in our lives, if only we’re paying attention. It’s in these little moments of awareness, attention and acknowledgement, that we find some of life’s precious lessons: When a loved one smiles at you and let’s the


Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Taking Action Creates Wonderful Opportunites

Believe In Yourself Last Friday I received a phone call telling me I’d been nominated for The Chronicle Trilby Misso Community Hero Award… and I was AWARDED it!!! I was so surprised, much humbled, and deeply grateful to have my work recognised within my own community. This surprise news was quite timely, as recently I have overcome some long-held limiting beliefs and significantly invested in myself and my business by enrolling in Entrepreneurial Business School. I had wanted to do it for the last three years but always found excuses and reasons as to why I couldn’t or shouldn’t. (Not good enough syndrome).


Do You Feel Safe in Your Body?

Do You Feel Safe in Your Body?

That weighty feeling Who’s been on a “diet” before – lost weight, regained weight and done the whole thing over again? I’ve tried numerous diets over the years and a few methods I made up myself. But nothing ever truly worked until I learned to listen to my thoughts and understand what my beliefs and fears were saying to me unconsciously, continuing to trigger my fat storing hormones. What’s the difference between losing weight and regaining, and losing weight and staying there? It’s our emotional, mental and spiritual experience of whether we feel “safe” at a lower weight and comfortable


FREE ONLINE SCREENING “Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight”

FREE ONLINE SCREENING "Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight"

Lose the Stress, Loss the Weight It’s here! The online world premiere of Jon Gabriel’s newest documentary film, so I wanted to be sure you didn’t miss out: Watch Now! World Premiere of Tapping for Weight Loss (online for 10 days!)* “Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight,” is a powerful film created by Carol Look, Jon Gabriel and 12 remarkable (and brave) volunteers who are struggling with stress-related weight gain. In my professional and personal experience, stress is the #1 issue we all need to work on to achieve weight loss and well-being long term, so I can’t think of a more effective approach than learning stress management tools you can do at home (alongside


How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

Stress & Release We are such creatures of taking everything personally and feeling the weight of hurt and pain, rejection or worth. I love Anthony Hopkins philosophy that it’s none of my business what other’s think of me. The problem is I didn’t know that as a teenager and took EVERYTHING personally. Until a few years ago, well into my thirties, my mind and body was filled with the anguish of thinking I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, and especially not thin enough… I ended up spending the majority of my life creating my own internal stress and contributing to my


Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Mind-Body Weight Loss If you’re stressed out, worried, fearful or lonely, the impact on your health is immediate and the hormonal imbalances created are the same imbalances that cause food cravings, which also lead to weight gain. This stress, tension and fear might be a demanding job, a hectic family life, an abusive spouse or any of the millions of emotional challenges we all face in life—but the biochemical result is the same. Your hormones become imbalanced, your food cravings increase, and you’ll very likely gain weight. As time goes on, your cortisol levels rise, your blood sugar sky-rockets, your


Healthy Raw Chocolate Workshop in Toowoomba!

Healthy Raw Chocolate Workshop in Toowoomba!

Easter is Coming! For real. I remember walking around the local supermarkets in January seeing chocolate eggs and Easter bunnies already lining the shelves, right alongside the leftover Christmas chocolates…. Now that Easter is really coming, it’s time to get educated about what chocolate actually is, and how you can make the most of its’ naturally occurring nutritional benefits before roasting and processing destroys most of them. easy personal loan bad credit So here I am pleased to announce that the 3 hour Easy Chocolate Delights workshop has been updated and now offered in the MindBodyFood Kitchen at Highfields. This means reduced cost, smaller