Releasing Toxic Emotional Weight – Why It’s Not Always About Food

Releasing Toxic Emotional Weight - Why It's Not Always About Food

Releasing Toxic Emotional Weight Why It’s Not Always About Food   This week I reached out to a trusted friend and colleague for assistance in reaching a specific issue around my changing weight, that I couldn’t on my own. A few years ago after an emotional rollercoaster with key family members (still not resolved on their behalf), my body began to shift into protective mode (i.e. stress and survival) and my weight started to slowly increase, regardless of my eating and movement not changing – improving actually! Excess weight is often about ‘protection‘. When I became aware of what was happening, I


Stop Dieting and Trust Your Body Wisdom Instead

Stop Dieting and Trust Your Body Wisdom Instead

Stop Dieting and Trust Your Body Wisdom Instead Balanced Healthy Eating   Have you had a moment of panic about your weight since Christmas? Have you denied yourself food in an effort to reduce your weight? Many people rinse and repeat their health goals every January (to get healthy and lose weight) and force themselves back onto a new or old diet because they’re still stuck in the dieting mindset. Instead of healthy balanced eating, they choose the all or nothing approach and begin down a path of following a ‘way’ of eating that may not actually work for their unique


Set Health, Fitness & Weight Goals That Work With Your Brain & Body

Set Health, Fitness & Weight Goals That Work With Your Brain & Body

Set Health, Fitness & Weight Goals That Work With Your Brain & Body Keep you brain in mind when you set health and weight related goals – otherwise they’ll end up as empty promises!   Forget resolutions and set meaningful health and fitness goals instead! It will make a world of difference to how you approach change, and take action towards your goals. The KEY is in using the principles of neuroscience so you can create change in a way that your brain will become familiar with by conscious, consistent and intentional action! Get a pen and paper and commit


What 48 kilos GONE looks like WITHOUT dieting and in just 12 months!

What 48 kilos GONE looks like WITHOUT dieting and in just 12 months!

What 48 Kilos GONE looks like without dieting and in just 12 months!   This is what 48 Kilos (106lbs) removed in a year looks like as a result of RTT. Meet my colleague, Colleen Andruszkiewicz, who gave me permission to share this with you. Colleen lives in Ontario, Canada, and is a fellow Rapid Transformational Therapist (RTT).  Overnight she shared photos of herself inside our RTT therapy practitioner group – where students and graduates from all over the world come together to share support, insight on various case studies, and ongoing education. It’s my favourite Facebook group because it’s full of other


Your Body is Listening to Every Thought You Think

Your Body is Listening to Every Thought You Think

Your Body is Listening to Every Thought You Think One of my favourite pieces of wisdom is: What we think, we create. Literally. Because of my therapeutic holistic approach I spend a lot of time educating my students and clients about epigenetics, neuroscience and neurobiology. We have over 50 trillion cells within our bodies, each one listening intently to the reaction and response of our thinking, as a consequence of our perception. Every cell absorbs this perception – positive or negative, safe or stressful – and will either shrink or expand as a consequence of our thoughts and feelings, whereby creating an internal


{Podcast} How Dieting Works Against Your Body & What You Can Do to Work With it

{Podcast} How Dieting Works Against Your Body & What You Can Do to Work With it

How Dieting Works Against Your Body and What You Can Do to Work With it Have you been doing EVERYTHING “right” but your body doesn’t seem like it’s doing what you want? Don’t lose faith in it, learn to trust it again so your body can learn to trust YOU again! It’s an interesting concept that most people don’t even consider – that your body might lose trust with you after all your efforts to make it weigh less and feel healthier. The thing is most of these efforts are done without consulting the body. Instead of turning inward, asking


{Podcast} The Cost of Staying Stuck

{Podcast} The Cost of Staying Stuck

The Cost of Staying Stuck   If you’ve ever tried to reach out for help but at the last minute retreated back into the safety and comfort of what you know – even though it might be painful or uncomfortable – have you ever thought about how much it costs you to stay there? The nature of human behaviour is that we want change, but often are unwilling to do the changing! When I receive an enquiry from someone, they usually send it at a time when they can’t take it anymore. When the pain is too intense, when the discomfort


Don’t Diet this Christmas, Do This Instead

Don't Diet this Christmas, Do This Instead

Instead of Dieting, Bingeing or Restricting this Christmas Try a New Approach… It’s that time of year again when many of us freak out at the abundant supply of festive food that is often on our “forbidden/bad/diet says no” list. Because I have no intention of losing my mind dieting for the next two weeks just so I can let loose on Christmas Day, my lead up is mostly calm, relaxed and peaceful. (I say mostly because I can’t control everything.. and it relieves a lot of unnecessary pressure when you realise that.) Your Christmas can be calm, relaxed and peaceful


3 Steps to Embrace Your Body Now

3 Steps to Embrace Your Body Now

Embrace Your Body in 3 Steps, NOW Ready to embrace your body, dump the hate and stop punishing it with endless diets and negative self-talk? Recently I attended the first Toowoomba screening of the new documentary, EMBRACE by Taryn Brumfitt. Hundreds of women, men and children have attended in our region, but after watching, feeling inspired, shedding tears and finding hope… now what? It’s opened a huge pandoras box for so many women who are now wondering, well just HOW do I embrace my body? What do I do? Our bodies are nobody else’s business, yet we constantly allow ourselves to be distracted by comparison,


5 Limiting Beliefs Holding Your Mind Hostage

5 Limiting Beliefs Holding Your Mind Hostage

5 Limiting Beliefs Holding Your Mind Hostage   When I started MindBodyFood my main driver was to make a difference in the lives of women who struggled with liking themselves, accepting their bodies and were using food as a means of control, punishment or comfort in managing stressful thoughts and emotions. Think BINGE EATING, EMOTIONAL EATING, STRESS EATING. What I’ve realised over the years is that nearly EVERYONE in their lifetime struggles with five core underlying and limiting beliefs that they’re either: Not good enough Not smart enough Not worthy enough Don’t deserve it Can’t do it UNDERNEATH their body and


{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   Do you struggle with self-sabotaging beliefs? Do you get so far on your health and wellness journey, start to see positive changes, feel like you’re actually making progress and starting to feel more energy, more positivity and even a glimpse of self-love… And then all of a sudden….. something happens that triggers your subconscious mind and you come to a screaming holt, reverting back to old habits of thinking, feeling and behaving?! Maybe you find yourself focusing back on your food: restricting again, cutting foods out.. At the end of the day you might find yourself hungry, but


{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   This week Daniel Biernoff joins me on the Mind-Body-Food Podcast talking about REAL food nutrition in our busy modern lifestyles. Daniel is a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist with over 15 years of clinical experience working with people from all walks of life. He is a firm believer that our modern diet – full of nutritionally depleted foods and chemical additives – is making us sick and that our bodies can heal themselves from almost any health problem with the right nutrition and supplement support. An open and highly educational look into food and the modern diet,


Why You Need to Love Yourself + Free PDF Printable

Why You Need to Love Yourself + Free PDF Printable

Do You Love Yourself? FREE Self-Love Reminders Printable PDF below!   I used to loathe myself. Love was a word that didn’t compute. I could never truly accept love because I didn’t know how to feel it for myself. As babies we are born happy, loveable and wanting to love. But what happens when we experience feelings of neglect, criticism or abandonment in our childhood…. that we feel the hurt so strongly and intensely as children we appoint ourselves to blame and internalise our pain? As we grow, a part of us begins to believe we are unworthy of love…. That inner child who felt unsafe and


Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales: Audio Interview

Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales: Audio Interview

Body Hate, Dieting & the Scales Audio Interview Thank you Robyn Patton Intuitive Nourishment who interviewed me recently about body hate, dieting, the scales & vulnerability. ‪ Time for some #‎realtalk‬ so we can get comfortable with uncomfortable feelings and make space for learning to navigate them. Let me know what you think! V xo     About Viki Viki Thondley is a Mind-Body Wellness Specialist and qualified Holistic Counsellor, Food, Stress & Lifestyle Coach, Meditation Therapist, and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach who inspires women to shift from limited thinking, low self-esteem and restriction to whole-self nourishment, body confidence and whole food healing. Recovered from bulimia


Overcome Negative Body Image

Overcome Negative Body Image

Overcome Negative Body-Image Here’s how just one of many clients did it! Sometimes in my coaching practice I need to get down into the pit with a client… really sit down in the mud with them and wade through the shit in their lives. It’s my job to hold steadfast as an anchor for them while they experience losing control or embracing their fear. Whatever the overwhelming emotion is, I’m always willing to go to the depths with them in order to help guide them back out of it. Not many traditional therapists allow themselves to do that, with the idea