Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Assess Your Needs for Better Life Balance Are you like many of my clients – struggling to have it all AND create life balance? Life balance is an interesting term that many people use, especially when they realise that they don’t have any! Defining what life balance means, individually, can be quite difficult without first knowing your own needs and where you’re lacking in fulfilling them. The more stressed out, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or frustrated you feel at not having time for yourself to slow down and re-energise, the greater the disconnect between your mind and body – and your personal needs. I don’t think


Mini Christmas Pudding Balls – Gluten/Dairy/Refined Sugar Free

Mini Christmas Pudding Balls - Gluten/Dairy/Refined Sugar Free

Mini Xmas Puddings Balls! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…. We put our Christmas Tree up today, and I’ve been thinking more and more about what healthy, delicious and nutritious whole food sweet treats I can make for the festive season to subsitute for the any of the processed, packaged and convenience options. Most people seem to love the traditional Christmas puddings – you know, the ones served with the creamy white sauce over the top – sweet, dense, rich and satisfying! Since the release of my latest eBook, “Healthy Chocolate Delights: Nutritious, Delicious & Guilt-free” (sweet treats, puddings,


How to Make Sauerkraut

How to Make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha GUT problems? Bloating? Irregular poop? Eat Sauerkraut! Cultured or fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir grains, kombucha, yoghurt and cheese are fantastic to feed your good gut bacteria (your microbiome). They contribute immensely to healing and building our inner ecosystem. Friendly bacteria naturally present in the vegetables quickly lower the pH, making a more acidic environment so the bacteria can reproduce. The vegetables become soft, delicious, and delightfully “pickled.” Fermenting creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics. Cultured vegetables are made by shredding cabbage, or a combination of cabbage and other vegetables, and


Acai Berry & Maca Breakfast Bowl

Acai Berry & Maca Breakfast Bowl

Breakfast Bowl of Champions! REAL FOOD FRIDAY This week is a nourishing and satisfying breakfast bowl of hormone balancing and antioxidant goodness for you! Acai Berry & Maca Breakfast Bowl with homemade Nutty Choc Granola! I’ve been making this for quite a while now, and when I’m out of Acai Berry powder I simply use my greens and reds powders instead for a “Green Hulk” bowl. Breakfast is often the easiest meal to skip, but it’s also the easiest meal to plan and create without too much effort. You can of course make plenty of dinner and keep the leftovers


Mindful Eating 101

Mindful Eating 101

Mindful Eating Tips Having lived through 18 years of Bulimia Nervosa, I’m certainly no stranger to the “stuff it in before you realise how much you’re eating” habit. I wouldn’t even taste my food for fear of being too slow that someone might actually see me eating! We don’t just eat fast and mindless because of food or body issues, there are so many people in this fast paced world who are simply running on empty. They are “go, go, go” people with so much to do, but never enough time to do it in. This couldn’t be more true


Gut Health – Feed Your Good Bacteria

Gut Health - Feed Your Good Bacteria

Feeding Your Bacteria Is the food we’re eating on a regular basis the reason why we get sick? If we change our food, could we change the state of our health? Can we also affect our moods by making changes to our diet? I firmly believe we can. The collective human microbe colony weighs about 1 and a-half kilos – as much as our brains. Bacterial cells outnumber our human cells by 10 to 1 and they live predominantly inside our gut. Our gut bacteria, also known as the Microbiome (pronounced micro-bi-ome) lives off of the food we eat. The problem is that certain


60+ Healthy Chocolate Delights Recipes – My NEW eBOOK!

60+ Healthy Chocolate Delights Recipes - My NEW eBOOK!

MY BRAND NEW EBOOK! Do you love chocolate, but always have this guilty feeling associated with it? Guilty pleasure. Guilty addiction. Equals shame. Eating chocolate for me used to be a guilty pleasure. I was addicted to the false pleasure I experienced due to the massive sugar high in my brain. It triggered my reward centre to release a hormone called Dopamine – I felt FINE when I was eating chocolate. I even felt pretty damn fine after I ate chocolate…. But then after a little while, I felt low, lethargic, irritable…. and disgusted – with myself and my lack of willpower; with my body and the excess


White Choc Macadamia Fudge [recipe]

White Choc Macadamia Fudge [recipe]

Healthy Chocolate Delights eBook! HERE’S A RECIPE TREAT FOR YOU ALL! This recipe is taken from my popular “Healthy Chocolate Delights: Nutritious, Delicious & Guilt-Free“real food sweet treats recipe eBook. This collection of whole food recipes has a combination of over 60 raw, cooked, vegan, paleo, dairy free, gluten free, grain free and refined sugar free recipes. Healthy chocolate for everyone! Also contains the history and benefits of raw cacao plus lots of nutritional information on the dangers of sugar, natural sweeteners and substitutes, with an introduction to every day super (nutrient dense) foods. Here’s a sneak peak of inside the book! Please enjoy


Macadamia Chocolate Brownie [Recipe]

Macadamia Chocolate Brownie [Recipe]

Chocolate Brownies, YUM! Oh come on, who doesn’t love a decadent chocolate brownie?! Raw or baked, brownies are actually quite versatile in the ways you can put them together. This recipe is actually created from a biscuit recipe that my Grandmother (who’s now 98) used to make for us when we were kids. She made them as a ginger cookie – sharp, crunchy and buttery. I’ve made them many times as gingerbread men with the children, and as a rich chocolate chip cookie dough. I’ve created several raw brownie recipes that I teach in my Raw and Healthy Chocolate Workshop and that we


Chicken Meatballs [Recipe]

Chicken Meatballs [Recipe]

Paleo Chicken Meatballs Who doesn’t love a tasty meatball that’s healthy, delicious and super easy to make?! Mr 13 just loves all things Italian and pasta when it comes to food. My digestive system however, can only take so much. So I like to mix things up a little and give that authentic look and flavour of a hearty Italian offering, but without compromising my own digestive health. Meatballs are a great way to play with different ingredient ideas and create something extra special. You can use any type of meat for these, however I do like to use organic chicken.


Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Do You Love or Hate Your Body?

Summer Body-Love/Hate It’s certainly been warming up in the great south east. Makes me think about humid days, cool dresses and wearing a bathing suit in public… Does that thought fill your head with dread? As a child I loved summer. The adolescent me however, was struck with fear about what it represented. If you wanted to swim in the local pool or frolic on the beach, it meant baring your body beautiful and being on display – something I was definitely not comfortable with back then. It was enough to make me stop eating or take up marathon running!


Have you Quit Sugar?

Have you Quit Sugar?

Sugar, Sugar The ‘I Quit Sugar’ movement is in full swing: Cut the sugar and reduce inflammation, stabilise key hormones, reduce cravings, lose weight and gain improved health. That’s the message from author Sarah Wilson, who quit sugar in January 2011 as an experimental attempt to get control over her autoimmune disease called, Hashimotos – a disease which attacks the thyroid and mostly affects women over 30. Sugar is a known substance to flare up the condition. After boosting her energy, clearing up her skin and experiencing a happier state of mind and wellness, Sarah wrote a book that took


This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

This is my Beautiful 40 year old Body

My Beautiful 40 Year Old Body For those of you wondering how my knee is healing after surgery in June, it’s been slow, especially as a secondary injury was initially overlooked. Over the years my body has faced tremendous abuse; physical, emotional and self-inflicted. I’ve been hard on myself and pushed my body to breaking point many times with several broken bones, tears and surgeries. Throughout many stressful years my weight struggled to settle because of the severe restriction, starvation and binge/purge episodes I put it through for 18 years. My hormones, metabolism and digestion broke down several times. I


Coconut Cacao Banana Cake [Recipe]

Coconut Cacao Banana Cake [Recipe]

Healthy Banana Cake! Real Foodie Friday I’m so pleased to introduce you all to Meg Kummerow, who has generously donated her Coconut Cacao Banana Cake for Real Foodie Friday! Meg has also written a little bit about her background, food philosophy (it’s pretty awesome!) and family life to share with you. Thank you for sharing your delicious recipe Meg! Now let’s get cooking and EAT REAL FOOD together! Viki 🙂   Hi, I’m Meg!  I live on a farm west of Toowoomba with my husband and two daughters.  Farming and agriculture is my passion and whilst we are no longer farmers


Yoga and Meditation Term in Highfields, Darling Downs

Yoga and Meditation Term in Highfields, Darling Downs

Yoga AND Meditation How cool is breathing in alignment with your body moving? And then sitting in stillness to allow the breath to flow through you? I love meditation and I love yoga, having practised both for over 25 years. At one stage, I was quite the yogini – practising regularly and feeling my whole outlook and body change as I bent, stretched, breathed and improved. Whatever was going on in my life often stepped onto the mat with me, but by the time I was finished it had released off my shoulders, heart or mind and allowed me room