Boost Your Body Confidence

Boost Your Body Confidence

Body Confidence Boost This weeks’ blog is for all those women and young girls who can’t stand to look at themselves in the mirror – without judgement. I know how challenged you feel at the mere thought of looking in the mirror and liking what you see – let alone asserting you actually love the disappointment who looks back at you. It’s hard to be a self-assured and secure woman in today’s society. Even on a good day one phrase, one word, one look can be all it takes to dent that hard won self-confidence of the woman in the mirror


My Interview on HOT FM

My Interview on HOT FM

HOT FM Interview I love talking on the radio, especially going into the studio and sitting around all the equipment that I would have a ball playing around with! I wouldn’t know what I was doing but I know I’d have fun! This morning I spoke on the radio with Hamish and Tanya from HOT FM 100.7 in Toowoomba. The interview was by phone and is a quick chat on women, food, dieting and emotional eating. It’s nice and short at four minutes long so it won’t take a lot of time for you to listen in while you’re working or pottering


Do you Love or Hate your Body?

Do you Love or Hate your Body?

Body Love Heals Body Hate How many times have you looked at your physical reflection and zoned in on the body parts you’re not so fond of, only to begin a barrage of nasty name-calling and judgements in your mind towards it? Our body image is largely dependent on how we FEEL and THINK about our bodies. When we have negative feelings towards our bodies, our mind, mood, confidence, eating choices and behaviour all decline as we focus on those negative feelings. We start feeling overcome by them, and stop noticing anything good about ourselves. [Tweet “Your body is a beautiful complex machine. “] It keeps you upright, breathing


Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Complete a Free Needs Assessment

Assess Your Needs for Better Life Balance Are you like many of my clients – struggling to have it all AND create life balance? Life balance is an interesting term that many people use, especially when they realise that they don’t have any! Defining what life balance means, individually, can be quite difficult without first knowing your own needs and where you’re lacking in fulfilling them. The more stressed out, overwhelmed, exhausted and/or frustrated you feel at not having time for yourself to slow down and re-energise, the greater the disconnect between your mind and body – and your personal needs. I don’t think


How to Create Healthy Personal Boundaries

How to Create Healthy Personal Boundaries

Creating Healthy Boundaries Imagine you KNOW that you’re the most important person in your life…. You wake up with energy and can’t wait to get going! You look in the mirror and love what you see! You make time to calm your mind, move your body and feed your soul – every day. You love yourself – and it shows with every thought you think, word you speak, and food choice you make. If you don’t immediately and whole-heartedly believe YOU are the most worthy and deserving person in your life, then time to reassess why, and where the bulk of your


Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger, Find Inner Peace When I was a teenager – angry, in denial, resentful and heavy hearted – my reality was believing I was the victim of mistreatment and neglect. I had no sense of personal responsibility, control or conviction. I simply modelled the coping skills of those who raised me. I learnt how to get angry, yell, scream, blame, over-react, sulk, lash out and quickly ignore matters that were too emotional to feel. After each blow up, things would go back to normal – quickly forgotten, as if they never happened. This frustrated me so much when I was left


Reflections on Food Addiction From a Recovered Former Addict

Reflections on Food Addiction From a Recovered Former Addict

Food Addiction & Recovery Yesterday I was making some Dark and Milk Raw Chocolate for the gift boxes at this Saturday’s Raw and Healthy Easy Chocolate Delights workshop while watching my eating psychology videos. It got me thinking about how much my relationship to food, my body, sugar and eating has changed over the years from the tormented and distressed fear of weight gain, endless restriction, obsession and confusion I lived with in every waking moment…. I had no respect for hunger, fulfilment, boundaries, needs, nourishment or awareness. I really didn’t know what the hell I was doing back then because


3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

3 Ways to Create Confidence and Build Your Self-Image

Create your confidence and build your self-image by these very simple yet life-changing daily practices. You don’t need anything fancy to begin. You simply need to start making yourself a priority in your own life and pay attention. 3 Ways to transform your confidence:   1. Write down five things you are currently grateful for. (Use the term, “I am grateful for…”.) Focus on the positive feelings that come up as you associate them with your gratitude. Read them aloud and look for new things throughout the day. 2. Look in the mirror and name out loud, five things you admire most about


I Miss My Mother on Mother’s Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Miss My Mother on Mother's Day But I Remember What She Taught Me

I Remember, on Mother’s Day Many of you who have met me in person know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. And even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile, and she was always ready with a helping hand, and a soothing rock-me-gently cuddle. One of her greatest disappointments was knowing she would not see her daughters mature into mothers, and her grand-children be born


Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Mind-Body Weight Loss If you’re stressed out, worried, fearful or lonely, the impact on your health is immediate and the hormonal imbalances created are the same imbalances that cause food cravings, which also lead to weight gain. This stress, tension and fear might be a demanding job, a hectic family life, an abusive spouse or any of the millions of emotional challenges we all face in life—but the biochemical result is the same. Your hormones become imbalanced, your food cravings increase, and you’ll very likely gain weight. As time goes on, your cortisol levels rise, your blood sugar sky-rockets, your


Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

From Medication to Freedom! How my Achieving Your Wellness coaching program has helped my client move from medication to freedom. I have an intelligent, insightful and attractive young client who came to meet and work with me late last year in 2013. At only 18 she had spent years on anti-depressants suffering low moods, unhappiness, isolation and body image concerns that bordered on disordered eating. Her dreams of travel, true happiness, connection and vibrant health were being hindered by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits and behaviours. She came to me with a desperate need to combat the life she had created for herself and turn


New Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

New Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

NEW Women’s Wellness Retreat + Group Coaching Course! This year I turn 40! My dream has always been to host a Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat – the kind of spiritual experience that I myself would love to go to and share with like-minded souls; the kind of retreat where you are fully allowed to immerse yourself into your inner world and give yourself permission to let go of the past and rebuild or strengthen your most important relationship… (hint: it’s with YOURSELF!) What better way to celebrate my 40th year than to host my very own inaugural MindBodyFood “Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat“


Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Do you measure your worth by your weight?

Worth Your Weight Bathroom scales. Do you have one? We don’t have a bathroom scale in our house. I’ve not weighed myself in years. I don’t look to one for punishment, judgement or expectation ANY MORE. I once relied on the bathroom scales for my self-worth. I looked to it for my daily allowance of food. I feared its’ judgement but I was compelled to step on it and wait anxiously for my result. My whole mindset and mood was determined by that number. The thing now is that I no longer measure my self-worth by a number on the scale.


Let Go in 2014 – Your New Years Resolutions

Let Go in 2014 - Your New Years Resolutions

I Choose to Let Go! In life we accumulate so much “stuff”. Some would call it baggage: emotional, physical, mental, spiritual. We focus on the bad things, carry past hurts and resentments, and rarely stop to alleviate the burdens we carry along the way. We tend to overwhelm ourselves with all that needs doing, everything we want to change, thoughts of not being good enough. Our minds are incessantly firing worrying, fearful and negative thoughts all over the place. Much to our distracted conscious awareness. We are consumed by our thinking about things, people, feelings or beliefs. And we often forget that our


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally