Solitude & Self-Care in a Busy World

Solitude & Self-Care in a Busy World

Daily Self-Care and Solitude As our lives get busier and time is harder to juggle, the first thing to slide is usually our own self-care. Even though I’m in a helping profession often reminding my clients with emails and text messages between sessions to “do something nice for yourself today”, I often need reminding myself! I have a book called “The Wonders of Solitude” that is filled with inspiring reminders to nurture your soul amidst a demanding world. It’s filled with insightful quotes from authors, actors and spiritual leaders to medical professionals, singers and comedians – all sharing their words of wisdom on the


Boost Your Body Confidence

Boost Your Body Confidence

Body Confidence Boost This weeks’ blog is for all those women and young girls who can’t stand to look at themselves in the mirror – without judgement. I know how challenged you feel at the mere thought of looking in the mirror and liking what you see – let alone asserting you actually love the disappointment who looks back at you. It’s hard to be a self-assured and secure woman in today’s society. Even on a good day one phrase, one word, one look can be all it takes to dent that hard won self-confidence of the woman in the mirror


Do You Need to Slow Down?

Do You Need to Slow Down?

The Low Down on Slowing Down For months now I’ve been caught up in the gotta do-more, be-more, give-more cycle, and I’ve created my own well of resentment in not giving enough to myself. I bet you can relate. Over Christmas I felt suffocated. I just wanted a breather, a break, a moment to myself to process a mountain of emotions – away from running my business, planning events, and being switched on for others all the time. Time away from feeling like I had to post on social media, write blogs, articles and newsletters at certain times and days –


My Interview on HOT FM

My Interview on HOT FM

HOT FM Interview I love talking on the radio, especially going into the studio and sitting around all the equipment that I would have a ball playing around with! I wouldn’t know what I was doing but I know I’d have fun! This morning I spoke on the radio with Hamish and Tanya from HOT FM 100.7 in Toowoomba. The interview was by phone and is a quick chat on women, food, dieting and emotional eating. It’s nice and short at four minutes long so it won’t take a lot of time for you to listen in while you’re working or pottering


Does Eating Stress You Out?

Does Eating Stress You Out?

Are you a stressed out eater? What kind of eater are you: Fast, medium, slow? I used to be a fast eater – I didn’t know how to eat slow. I lost touch with when I felt hungry and never seemed to stop when I was full. Are you aware when you’re hungry? Do you register when you’re full? Eating is a necessity to sustain energy balance and fuel. But it’s definitely a requirement that is viewed as a chore when we’re busy and too tired or rushed to nourish ourselves. A familiar scenario I often hear from new clients


Uncover your desires for an authentic life

Uncover your desires for an authentic life

Uncover how to create an Authentic Life What do you want? Such a question may seem like an innocent enquiry, yet sadly we rarely ask ourselves. Life takes us in so many different directions that we often forget to course correct when we take a wrong turn. When I ask my clients this simple question, I am often met with silence, tears or an invitation to finally let it all out. The blank look on their faces often conveys their confusion: at the fact that someone is genuinely interested, or the realisation that they actually don’t know. The fierce rush


Steps to Create Positive Change

Steps to Create Positive Change

Create Positive Change Not New Years Goals… Change has to be when you are ready to change, not simply because the New Year is coming. Whether you’d like to create a specific change now, or a list of things to focus on next year, the below steps will make it easier for you to define, clarify, challenge and support yourself. 1. Define what you don’t want – it’s not negative to be clear on what you don’t want. It’s necessary in weeding out the things that you simply aren’t willing to compromise on or live with, through previous experience or personal


Mindful Eating 101

Mindful Eating 101

Mindful Eating Tips Having lived through 18 years of Bulimia Nervosa, I’m certainly no stranger to the “stuff it in before you realise how much you’re eating” habit. I wouldn’t even taste my food for fear of being too slow that someone might actually see me eating! We don’t just eat fast and mindless because of food or body issues, there are so many people in this fast paced world who are simply running on empty. They are “go, go, go” people with so much to do, but never enough time to do it in. This couldn’t be more true


Yoga and Meditation Term in Highfields, Darling Downs

Yoga and Meditation Term in Highfields, Darling Downs

Yoga AND Meditation How cool is breathing in alignment with your body moving? And then sitting in stillness to allow the breath to flow through you? I love meditation and I love yoga, having practised both for over 25 years. At one stage, I was quite the yogini – practising regularly and feeling my whole outlook and body change as I bent, stretched, breathed and improved. Whatever was going on in my life often stepped onto the mat with me, but by the time I was finished it had released off my shoulders, heart or mind and allowed me room


Meditation Basics and Dr Ian Gawler

Meditation Basics and Dr Ian Gawler

Meditation Basics Last week I had the wonderful pleasure of having Dr Ian Gawler and his wife Ruth over to my home prior to his Toowoomba seminar on “The Science of Health, Healing and the Mind”. Together we recorded an interview for my YouTube channel over a cuppa and some raw chocolate, discussing some of our favourite topics: lifestyle medicine, mind-body healing, epigenetics, cancer recovery, psychoneuroimmunology, and of course, meditation. Throughout an evening of research and inspiration, I saw many people inspired to begin meditating after experiencing a taste of inner peace first hand. Often people are curious about meditation


Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger and Find Inner Peace

Let go of Anger, Find Inner Peace When I was a teenager – angry, in denial, resentful and heavy hearted – my reality was believing I was the victim of mistreatment and neglect. I had no sense of personal responsibility, control or conviction. I simply modelled the coping skills of those who raised me. I learnt how to get angry, yell, scream, blame, over-react, sulk, lash out and quickly ignore matters that were too emotional to feel. After each blow up, things would go back to normal – quickly forgotten, as if they never happened. This frustrated me so much when I was left


Benefits of Meditation to Reduce Anxiety

Benefits of Meditation to Reduce Anxiety

Reduce Anxiety with Meditation Oprah and Deepak do it. The Beatles were huge fans. Russell Brand does it daily. Even Ellen DeGeneres, Clint Eastwood and Hugh Jackman do it. Yes, they all found meditation. I discovered meditation nearly twenty-five years ago, to aid in my stress and struggles through the beginnings of adulthood. Now, using Meditation Therapy, I teach others how easily this ancient practice can significantly plant the seeds for health and healing in modern life. What’s Good About Meditation? The benefits of meditation have been thoroughly researched and documented by world class research institutions such as Harvard University,


FREE ONLINE SCREENING “Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight”

FREE ONLINE SCREENING "Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight"

Lose the Stress, Loss the Weight It’s here! The online world premiere of Jon Gabriel’s newest documentary film, so I wanted to be sure you didn’t miss out: Watch Now! World Premiere of Tapping for Weight Loss (online for 10 days!)* “Lose the Stress, Lose the Weight,” is a powerful film created by Carol Look, Jon Gabriel and 12 remarkable (and brave) volunteers who are struggling with stress-related weight gain. In my professional and personal experience, stress is the #1 issue we all need to work on to achieve weight loss and well-being long term, so I can’t think of a more effective approach than learning stress management tools you can do at home (alongside


How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

Stress & Release We are such creatures of taking everything personally and feeling the weight of hurt and pain, rejection or worth. I love Anthony Hopkins philosophy that it’s none of my business what other’s think of me. The problem is I didn’t know that as a teenager and took EVERYTHING personally. Until a few years ago, well into my thirties, my mind and body was filled with the anguish of thinking I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, and especially not thin enough… I ended up spending the majority of my life creating my own internal stress and contributing to my


Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Lose the Stress and Lose the Weight

Mind-Body Weight Loss If you’re stressed out, worried, fearful or lonely, the impact on your health is immediate and the hormonal imbalances created are the same imbalances that cause food cravings, which also lead to weight gain. This stress, tension and fear might be a demanding job, a hectic family life, an abusive spouse or any of the millions of emotional challenges we all face in life—but the biochemical result is the same. Your hormones become imbalanced, your food cravings increase, and you’ll very likely gain weight. As time goes on, your cortisol levels rise, your blood sugar sky-rockets, your