How to Slow Down, Take Stock and Enjoy Life More

How to Slow Down, Take Stock and Enjoy Life More

Slow Down, Do More Do you feel like you’re always on the run trying to get ‘stuff’ done? Always feeling a little behind, like there’s no time to catch up? Do you regularly feel or have thoughts that you’re overwhelmed, stressed, rushed and hurried, and never have time for yourself? In our modern fast-paced world, life balance is a major problem that we all struggle to maintain. I’m certainly no exception to this. There are just so many things I want to do, experience, create and share but there never seems enough time for all of it. I know many of


The Quickest Way to Healing

The Quickest Way to Healing

The Way to Healing Please don’t think for one moment that I don’t have bad days or bad weeks where I feel overwhelmed, tired and fed up, and just want some time to myself. I’m not so great at resting when there’s so much I could be doing, so having to lay back for the last five weeks with my knee up after surgery has challenged me. Feeling vulnerable and frustrated that I haven’t been able to do things for myself and have to ask for help (especially when the children were home on school holidays) certainly tested my ability to stay cool under pressure! DEEP


How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

How My Late Mother Inspired My First Wellness Retreat

My First Self-Love & Wellness Retreat Take Time Out Before You Burn Out Many of you who have met me in person or follow my writings know that I lost my Mother to Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma when I was 24. Even though nearly 16 years have passed, her influence on my life still permeates each and every day. My mother was a most wonderfully warm woman, who never thought twice about helping anyone. She was generous and thoughtful, quick to laugh and smile and she was always ready with a helping hand or a soothing cuddle. As I meet more and more women throughout my work, I think of


This One Thing Can Change Your Life

This One Thing Can Change Your Life

Change Your Life With This One Thing It has always amazed me how the Sun has an ability to not just warm my skin, but blanket me in an invisible sense of positivity, joy and gratefulness for being alive. There are so many small yet significant occurrences that happen around us every day, just waiting to provide a little more happiness, purpose and ease in our lives, if only we’re paying attention. It’s in these little moments of awareness, attention and acknowledgement, that we find some of life’s precious lessons: When a loved one smiles at you and let’s the


How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

How to Stress Less & Love Yourself More

Stress & Release We are such creatures of taking everything personally and feeling the weight of hurt and pain, rejection or worth. I love Anthony Hopkins philosophy that it’s none of my business what other’s think of me. The problem is I didn’t know that as a teenager and took EVERYTHING personally. Until a few years ago, well into my thirties, my mind and body was filled with the anguish of thinking I wasn’t good enough, pretty enough, and especially not thin enough… I ended up spending the majority of my life creating my own internal stress and contributing to my


How Mind-Body Stress is Causing Your Weight Gain

How Mind-Body Stress is Causing Your Weight Gain

Stress and YOUR Belly Many of you know how passionately I feel about educating everyone on STRESS – understanding what it is, your personal stress triggers, how your body responds to YOUR stress, and ways to induce the relaxation response regularly in COUNTERACTING your stress response. Stress affects our whole body – functions and hormones – especially our weight. And weight is something that we all have issues with at some stage in our lives. Cortisol, also known as THE stress hormone and the FAT storing hormone, is a major contributor to our excess belly fat when we’re chronically excreting stress hormones that


Take positive steps forward and climb mountains of fitness

Take positive steps forward and climb mountains of fitness

Move it or lose it This morning we challenged our fitness climbing Tabletop Mountain, on the Toowoomba range, for the fourth time in a week. for unemployment benefits Last Saturday morning. Wednesday morning. Friday morning. And today – Sunday morning –  the first time with the children. Last Saturday’s effort was the second time we’d ever climbed this local historic mountain. The first time we climbed it in 2011 was memorable, and not just because we left the water in the car! Rather because: 1. We took the children (slow & dramatic!) 2. It was before Beloveds knee surgery when his


The Most Important Message You’ll Read Today

The Most Important Message You'll Read Today

The Inside Job Do you ever look in the mirror and make a point of finding something positive about yourself – instead of only seeing the bits you don’t like and want to change? So many people wait for the right moment or circumstance before they allow themselves to be happy: “When I’m thin, I’ll be happy. After I’m married, I’ll be happy. When I’m driving that car, working in that job, feel like I deserve it… then I’ll be happy.” How would you like to: > look in the mirror and love your reflection? > feel positive about yourself and your life?


How to Combat Stress in Daily Life + New Toowoomba Meditation Classes

How to Combat Stress in Daily Life + New Toowoomba Meditation Classes

To Fight or Flight ? Understand your stress responses  PLUS 10 Tips to combat stress in daily life! Stress: A pesky little word that gets tossed around a great deal in modern day life. We stress about things, we feel stressed by stuff, and situations are stressful… But do you really understand stress, and more importantly, how it affects your body? To combat stress, our bodies have a built-in protection mechanism called the Fight or Flight response. Normal day to day interactions aren’t likely to cause us physical harm, so most of the time our body is (or it should be!)


Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are your Adrenals Fatigued?   Recently I’ve had a many new clients coming to me for “MANAGING STRESS”. Even the local newspaper reporter sought me out for information on a feature about stress IN LAST WEEKENDS PAPER! (OMG the top photo is terrible!!!!) Recently I wrote, Stress Kills! Find Your triggers and take action!  Often we miss the signals that our bodies are attempting to provide us. We’re too consumed by the daily grind and keeping up with the mounting tasks, that we miss our physical responses and don’t do anything about them. Adrenal Glands Two, triangular shaped glands that sit on top of your


Stress Kills! Find Your Triggers and Take Action!

Identify Stress Triggers & Take Action Throughout my work with individuals and groups as a Meditation and Stress Therapist, I see first hand how little the general public are aware of the physical symptoms of their stress. This is such a terrible shame seeing as stress is the number ONE underlying cause of ALL modern illness and disease! SHOCKING! Stress has become the go-to word to describe a myriad of emotions, feelings and situations in our lives. How many times have you heard someone say: “I’m too stressed to deal with this” “I’m so stressed out” “Life is really stressful at the moment” How many


NEW Meditation Term & Stress Management Classes in Toowoomba

NEW Meditation Term & Stress Management Classes in Toowoomba

Weekly Meditation Term 3 Monday 15th July to Monday 16th Sept (10wks) One Whole Hour of Quiet, Calm, Peace & Happiness! Breathe, relax, feel safe, let go. Learn more about your Self, your stress and your strengths…  BOOKINGS REQUIRED! Regular weekly classes incorporate various styles and traditions of meditation for relaxation, breathing, stress management, pain management, healing, confidence, visualisation, self-esteem and affirmations to deepen your practice and connection to self, and reinforce your learning with regularity, greater insight and promotion of the relaxation response. Meditation is a wonderful practice in mind-body awareness, self-connection and emotional healing. Classes are 1 Hour duration and


July Toowoomba Meditation Course, Classes & Chocolate Workshop

July Toowoomba Meditation Course, Classes & Chocolate Workshop

Time to LET GO of your STRESS, FRUSTRATION, OVER-REACTIVE tendencies, and sleep better, feel calmer, think clearly and love more freely! My next 6 Week Basic Meditation for Stress Management Course begins on Tuesday 23rd July until Tuesday 27th August. 6pm to 7.30pm. Each course includes a personalised folder with weekly handouts and the use of essential oils to enhance your meditation practice and relaxation benefits. Muscle relaxation, breathing and stretching techniques are also taught in a safe, comfortable and supportive environment. For more information and to book your place CLICK HERE! or contact me directly via or 0410 60


Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today

Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today

  “Stress contributes to 90% of the diseases we suffer from today.” ~ Dr Bruce Lipton (Developmental Biologist) This quote and medical fact is the reason I spend so much time educating my students and clients about the Stress Response and how it affects their mind, body and spirit on a daily basis. Meditation promotes the Relaxation Response and is one of the best antidotes to stress there is. Meditation is an achievable and beautiful pathway to self-awareness, inner peace and stressing less for healing and health. The Term 2 Monday Evening Weekly class began last week and has grown 3 times the size since


Ho’oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho'oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono.. Pronounced “hoh OH pohno pohno,” it is the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. If you’ve been carrying around guilt, blame, regret, anger or shame… perhaps practising Ho’oponopono for forgiveness, is just what your mind, body and spirit need. In Hawaiian the word means “to make right or to rectify an error.” This may not necessarily be something literal that you have done. An “error” can also be a memory (or memories) of emotions, words, situations and behaviours that replay in your subconscious mind and feed your limiting beliefs. By practising Ho’oponopono, we are able to open our subconscious minds to