Deep Breathing for Stress Management

Deep Breathing for Stress Management

Breathe Your Way to Relaxation Your breath is vital for your health, healing and well-being. We so often don’t even notice our own breath even though it is the reason we sustain life. want credit Below is a quote from Dr Jon Kabat-Zinn, pioneer of MBSR – Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. He has a wonderful way of explaining your breath and why it’s so important: “Take the breath, for instance. We take it so much for granted. Unless, that is, you have a bad cold or can’t breathe. Then all of a sudden, the breath may become the only thing


How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

How to Manage Time For a Balanced Life

  For many of us, time management is a source of stress. When we have so many things to do and not enough time to do them in, it’s very easy to feel overwhelmed, lose focus and flounder. So if you’re ready to put more life and more action into your day, then get a pen and paper (or print out this newsletter) and write down this simple system. It consists of 3 basic steps. Here they are: 1. Write down all the tasks you want to get done today in order of importance. 2. Assign a specific block of


Are You Eating Your Feelings & Emotions?

Are You Eating Your Feelings & Emotions?

Do you EAT your feelings? It might be a fear of not being good enough, a tendency to follow instead of speak up, or simply daily life challenges building up. When you find yourself emotional eating, have you ever thought about what it is you’re trying to avoid? The most effective way of overcoming emotional eating is to FEEL your feelings instead of pushing them way down into your cells and piling food on top of them. Change and uncertainty take time to adjust to. The longer you ignore, discard or push aside what you are TRULY feeling, the deeper they will go


How to Let Go to be Happy, Healthy and Free

How to Let Go to be Happy, Healthy and Free

Are you afraid of change? Sometimes we hold on to unhealthy habits, memories or relationships for fear of loneliness, resentment and uncertainty. We remain stuck in limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging behaviours. Our happiness, health and feelings are severely compromised when we remain closed and negative to life’s possibilities. In these moments of internal pain, we never ask ourselves these two important questions: Is what I’m holding onto what I really, truly want? Ideally what would I rather take hold of to feel happy, healthy and free? For many years I held onto words: hurtful, horrible, hateful words that people had said to me


My Hungry Heart – emotional eating

My Hungry Heart - emotional eating

 What are you really hungry for? When I was overweight – no matter how much food I ate – the sensation of hunger was never far away. Every meal was hurried. I ate as if I was ravenous; quickly filling my belly to hide the evidence that I was a ‘pig’. I would spend most of my time during the day thinking about food while trying to avoid it.  The hunger made me crave all the wrong foods… and they always somehow made me feel better. I didn’t always feel ‘well’ after eating those foods, but for a short time I didn’t feel