This One Thing Can Change Your Life

This One Thing Can Change Your Life

Change Your Life With This One Thing It has always amazed me how the Sun has an ability to not just warm my skin, but blanket me in an invisible sense of positivity, joy and gratefulness for being alive. There are so many small yet significant occurrences that happen around us every day, just waiting to provide a little more happiness, purpose and ease in our lives, if only we’re paying attention. It’s in these little moments of awareness, attention and acknowledgement, that we find some of life’s precious lessons: When a loved one smiles at you and let’s the


New Women’s Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

New Women's Wellness & Meditation Retreat in 2014!

NEW Women’s Wellness Retreat + Group Coaching Course! This year I turn 40! My dream has always been to host a Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat – the kind of spiritual experience that I myself would love to go to and share with like-minded souls; the kind of retreat where you are fully allowed to immerse yourself into your inner world and give yourself permission to let go of the past and rebuild or strengthen your most important relationship… (hint: it’s with YOURSELF!) What better way to celebrate my 40th year than to host my very own inaugural MindBodyFood “Women’s Wellness + Meditation Retreat“


Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

Create your Happiest, Healthiest and most Confident self in 2014!

FREE visualisation exercise and creating new habits worksheet below! Well it’s that time of year again when we start to think about the year that was and the one we hope for next. Instead of just hoping and wishing for your life to change, own it and be the catalyst for change yourself! Your life is your creation. If you’re not happy with any aspect of it, you have the power to turn it around. I lived for over 15 years with an eating disorder that consumed all of my twenties and the beginning of my thirties, until I finally


Merry Christmas + Happy Eating Tips on Xmas Day

MERRY CHRISTMAS + happy eating tips! It’s that time of year again – when many of us freak out at the abundant supply of festive food that is often on our “forbidden/bad/diet says no” lists. Personally I don’t struggle with festive food like I used to in the throws of my Eating Disorder days. I simply know what I’m eating by preparing many foods myself with whole, natural and nutrient dense freshness. If I can’t really tell what’s in the food on the serving plates I don’t eat it. I always make sure that I continue to get up and


Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Achieve Your Wellness NOW!

Happier, Healthier, Fitter! Fulfil your needs and find your balance in all areas of your life: Mentally, Physically, Spiritually and Emotionally. My new eStore is up and the first product live is my comprehensive wellness coaching workbook designed to move you step by step from overwhelm, confusion and low energy to wellness, happiness and abundance in all areas of your life. Just like I did on the road to my own healing and wellness journey! Evaluate your strengths and values. Align your beliefs with your actions. Create and achieve SMART goals using short and long term goal planners with solution focused evaluations. Clarify your


Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are Your Adrenals Fatigued? The Dangers of Stress

Are your Adrenals Fatigued?   Recently I’ve had a many new clients coming to me for “MANAGING STRESS”. Even the local newspaper reporter sought me out for information on a feature about stress IN LAST WEEKENDS PAPER! (OMG the top photo is terrible!!!!) Recently I wrote, Stress Kills! Find Your triggers and take action!  Often we miss the signals that our bodies are attempting to provide us. We’re too consumed by the daily grind and keeping up with the mounting tasks, that we miss our physical responses and don’t do anything about them. Adrenal Glands Two, triangular shaped glands that sit on top of your


What is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT?

What is Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT?

Emotional Freedom Technique history pioneer services have Tapping your way to health, success, wealth and happiness… What is EFT? If you have negative emotions creating roadblocks in your efforts to create change, feel happier, get fitter, be successful, find love, accept yourself, be more, do more, feel more, have more… you have nothing to lose and everything to gain from trying EFT. It’s quick, painless and easy to learn. Sequences are tailored to your individual fears, limiting beliefs and personal mental and emotional blocks. It’s a meridian based therapy focusing on releasing blocked energy within the body to return the flow of  health,


Awaken to Your Inner Silence

Monday Inspiration! Meditation expands self-awareness and is a tool for the re-discovery of our body’s own inner intelligence. Practiced for thousands of years, it’s not about forcing the mind to be quiet, it’s finding the silence that’s already there and making it a part of your life. Silence is the birthplace of happiness, creativity, and infinite possibilities. From this field of pure potentiality we get our bursts of inspiration, our most intuitive thoughts, and our deepest sense of connection to the universe. Practicing meditation on a daily basis allows you to weave silence and stillness into your mind and body to


Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Watch my MindBodyFood TV interview on Managing Stress

Stress-related Conditions CAN Happen To Anyone No matter who you are or what you do for a living, we all experience a degree of stress. Are you feeling down, anxious, tired, overwhelmed.. everyday, ordinary people can easily be overcome by prolonged stress when we ignore the signs and symptoms from our own body and mood. What can you do about it to help yourself and manage your stress before it leads to stress-related conditions, illness and disease? Take a 15 minute break to watch this interesting and humble interview with Steve Lynes, Owner of Fitness Works Gym in Toowoomba, to learn ways to identify your own levels of stress, and


Ho’oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho'oponopono Meditation: A Way to Healing and Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono.. Pronounced “hoh OH pohno pohno,” it is the ancient Hawaiian system of healing, problem solving and transformation. If you’ve been carrying around guilt, blame, regret, anger or shame… perhaps practising Ho’oponopono for forgiveness, is just what your mind, body and spirit need. In Hawaiian the word means “to make right or to rectify an error.” This may not necessarily be something literal that you have done. An “error” can also be a memory (or memories) of emotions, words, situations and behaviours that replay in your subconscious mind and feed your limiting beliefs. By practising Ho’oponopono, we are able to open our subconscious minds to


Viki & MindBodyFood in THIS WKD’s GoodLife Wellbeing Lift Out!

  GoodLife If you’re lacking energy, life balance, direction, good nutrition, healthy body image or supportive relationships, then take action NOW towards creating a life you love! 12 Weeks to positive changes using my Achieving Your Wellness workbook alongside my guidance, support, inspiration and motivation! Click Here for details or EMAIL ME NOW and take action today to achieve your health and wellness!   Yours in Health and Happiness   Viki xo   instant no fax payday loansincreasingly  


Happy SELF-LOVE Day!

HAPPY SELF-LOVE DAY! Here’s what I think… You don’t need to have a Valentine to make your day special. Show YOURSELF some LOVE today! How do you do that? Here are a few suggestions: Go easy – no one expects you to be superman/woman except for you! Give yourself permission to slow down. Take a moment with yourself in the mirror. Really look at the person you are and give him/her a SMILE. You may feel silly but you’ll also feel BETTER! Tell yourself how wonderful you are by using positive self-talk and specific affirmations. Repeat, repeat, repeat – ALL


Visualisation for a happy mind, body and soul

Visualise Your Best Self Did you know that your mind is a powerful tool in helping you create positive changes in your life? Using creative visualisation can help the subconscious mind to create real and meaningful associations with the feelings and desires of what you truly want to instil in your daily life. This paves the way for a happy mind, body and soul. wealthy Begin by imagining what you would like more of: how you will feel to have it, feel it, be it… and then spend a few minutes playing it out in your mind as if you


5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change

5 Steps for Creating Change To first create change you must know what you want to be different: This is where you are… this is where you want to be. Visualisation is a powerful tool that can impact your subconscious mind when practised regularly. Take a few minutes to breathe slowly, deeply and naturally. Settle your breathing into a natural rhythm and just focus on your breathing. Once your thoughts and breathing settle, visualise your life how you want to be living it: use images, feelings and emotions. Make it as real as you can in your minds’ eye… See


How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

How To Be Grateful in a Challenging World

Practising Gratitude Even though Thanksgiving is an American holiday, it’s a wonderful act of gratitude that I teach my students and clients to do on a daily basis. Particularly for those struggling to shift negativity. When our attention is constantly focused on the annoying, uphappy, challenging, upsetting or just plain hard aspects of our lives, negative thoughts can consume us. This constant worry and stress can perpetuate feelings of helplessness, depression and anxiety – particularly leading towards Christmas time. In this state of mental stress and tension it’s all too easy to forget that whatever it is, it will pass in time. In