Manage Stress with Meditation

Manage Stress with Meditation

Manage Stress with Meditation   You’ve probably heard a lot of positive things about Meditation like it’s great for stress, heart issues, sleeping, mindful eating, weight control, concentration, healing etc., but maybe you’ve thought: I don’t know where to start I don’t have time for meditation I’m not interested in any religion I’ve tried it before but it didn’t stick, or the style didn’t suit me I don’t know if I’m doing it right [Tweet “There are a lot of reasons why people are discovering meditation but the biggest one is stress.”] I often have new clients and students contact me for medical reasons: “I have


Best Ever Deluxe Cashew Brownie Recipe

Best Ever Deluxe Cashew Brownie Recipe

Best Ever Brownie! This my friends, was a conscious effort in creating a decadent, soft and absolutely melt in your mouth, soft and gooey brownie to serve with cream and loved ones. Cooking with real whole foods has been a wonderful way for me to indulge when I feel like it and without the guilt. It’s also been a wonderful introduction for the children to learn how much better making and eating real whole foods can be over the packaged, processed and white sugar-laden options. They love this brownie and they know when they’ve had enough, without feeling deprived or feeding a sugar


{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

{Podcast} Bust Through Your Mental Blocks + Body Confidence Meditation

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   Do you struggle with self-sabotaging beliefs? Do you get so far on your health and wellness journey, start to see positive changes, feel like you’re actually making progress and starting to feel more energy, more positivity and even a glimpse of self-love… And then all of a sudden….. something happens that triggers your subconscious mind and you come to a screaming holt, reverting back to old habits of thinking, feeling and behaving?! Maybe you find yourself focusing back on your food: restricting again, cutting foods out.. At the end of the day you might find yourself hungry, but


{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   This week Daniel Biernoff joins me on the Mind-Body-Food Podcast talking about REAL food nutrition in our busy modern lifestyles. Daniel is a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist with over 15 years of clinical experience working with people from all walks of life. He is a firm believer that our modern diet – full of nutritionally depleted foods and chemical additives – is making us sick and that our bodies can heal themselves from almost any health problem with the right nutrition and supplement support. An open and highly educational look into food and the modern diet,


{Podcast} Self-Care, Cancer & Making Friends with Guilt

{Podcast} Self-Care, Cancer & Making Friends with Guilt

NEW MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST SERIES I have an inspiring and awesome new free resource for you, in the form of my brand new MindBodyFood Podcast series. An easily downloadable audio mp3 interview and meditations series you can listen to on the go. Hormones and Self-Care are huge topics for many women, so first up is an honest, practical and very inspiring self-care journey that started with a shock thyroid cancer diagnosis at 23, forcing a high-achieving, people-pleasing music teacher to reassess her life choices and start making herself and her health a priority. This meant learning to make friends with guilt and stop feeling resentful when


Apple Chia Seed Chocolate Crumble

Apple Chia Seed Chocolate Crumble

APPLE CHIA SEED CHOCOLATE CRUMBLE What to do with apples when you’ve got plenty? Make apple pie or crumble of course! We had two full bags of apples that we picked fresh from the orchard on our day trip to Stanthorpe over the easter long weekend. What else would I do with them but create something absolutely, delightfully scrumptious with them, and make sure that the recipe is made with healthy whole food and nutrient dense ingredients. It’s also dairy free, gluten free and naturally sweetened with medjool dates and a touch of raw honey. Aside from the coconut milk, which


Sweet Chai Cheesecake with Hidden Blueberries GF, DF

Sweet Chai Cheesecake with Hidden Blueberries GF, DF

Sweet Chai Cheesecake with Hidden Blueberries Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Refined Sugar Free   I’ve been teasing you all with this one for quite some time and now I’m just GIVING it to you! Raw (vegan) cheesecakes are one of the best ways to enjoy a nutrient dense dessert for people who are dairy free, gluten free and prefer to be refined sugar free. I’ve perfected this recipe with a little trial and error and it sure is a crowd pleaser – it’s my favourite nut cheesecake recipe! Plus it’s packed with nutrients and truly satisfying on so many levels. Please make and


What’s Holding You Back?

What's Holding You Back?

  Have you ever shown up and did something that you weren’t initially sure about – do I know enough, can I pull this off, will I be able to deliver – but then totally surprised yourself by how much fun you had, and how comfortably you took to it when you did? That’s how I feel now after finally stepping up to the plate this year and teaching the yoga portion of the first half of my yoga and meditation classes. I love teaching meditation – I love teaching, connecting and engaging with people in general. But I hadn’t realised just how


Are Food Rules Ruining Your Social Life

Are Food Rules Ruining Your Social Life

How to Let Go of Food Rules How many times a day do you tell yourself, “I can’t have that”? And what happens when you tell yourself you can’t have something?….. It’s like talking to a child: you either focus on it and want it more, question and barter with yourself until you’re worn out and give in, or just eat it in an act of defiance anyway. If dieting has become a way of life for you then it’s highly probable all those guidelines and restrictions have left some lingering do’s and don’ts that are tangled up in your negative self-talk and


5 Ways to Start the Year Without Dieting

5 Ways to Start the Year Without Dieting

Well dear readers, it’s a brand new year. And research shows that January is usually accompanied by resolutions to lose weight, change employment or finally sort out your finances. Which category are you focused on? Because of the area I specialize in, many people who employ my coaching and therapy services in the new year are usually wanting to lose weight, be happy, and find more peace and inner calm. The biggest lesson I teach them is that they won’t find what they’re looking for by going on a new diet. What your body desperately wants and needs is homeostasis,


Let Go of Anger to Make Way for Forgiveness

Let Go of Anger to Make Way for Forgiveness

Turn Anger to Forgiveness Forgiveness is a huge topic that can often open up many old wounds, stifling our ability to live fully and freely in the now. Angry thoughts of injustice, vengeance and retaliation can run riot in your mind, creating more stress and discomfort in your body. Forgiveness is generally defined as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you. This conscious act is done regardless of whether the person or group actually deserves your forgiveness. Just as important as defining what forgiveness is, though, is understanding what forgiveness