How to Change Your Thinking With Affirmations

How to Change Your Thinking With Affirmations

When words become beliefs… A while back I spoke with a woman who takes great pride in her work. Even so, she said that she “didn’t feel she was good enough, that she’s very hard on herself, although she knows she shouldn’t be – knows she shouldn’t do that.” Here’s how our conversation went: I asked if when she worked, was she doing the best work that she was capable of. She replied, “Yes, I try to do my best”. To clarify, I asked – “So even though you know you are doing the best job you can do in


You Are Fabulous!

YES, You Are! In my mail today was a small round badge with the words, “Tell Me I’m Fabulous” on it. The note with it said to wear the badge at least once, and then maybe pass it on to a friend, child or partner. So this afternoon I did indeed put this little blue badge onto my comfy red dress. I also looked in the mirror and said to the woman looking back at me, “I’m Fabulous!”. It felt goofy but ultimately ’good’… and it certainly put a smile on my face. Even though I practice positive mindsets and


What is Your Worth?

Worth – What is yours? The underflying feelings we mere humans often experience are directly aligned to our self-worth. We have basic needs to feel secure, loved, appreciated, valued, cared and provided for. But we also have needs of challenge, excitement, anticipation, happiness, freedom, accomplishment, purpose and fulfillment. However the greatest driving force underneath all of these needs is our own view of how worthy we believe we are. Think about your own needs in life….Is there fear attached to those needs? Is that fear fuelling the belief that you aren’t deserving of what you truly desire? When you think


Do It Anyway!

Who’s in charge? Not Charles! Some days I wake up and don’t feel enthusiastic. My body hurts, my head hurts, and it all just zaps the energy from me. WAKE UP! Get up! Do it anyway! – This is what I tell myself. And 9 times out of 10 I wake up, get up, and do it anyway… It’s very easy for the body to take over and do the talking sometimes, while your mind just listens and absorbs the feedback. Of course if your body is feeling less than fabulous then it won’t take long for your mind to


Breathing 101

BREATHING – It’s easy isn’t it? How are you feeling today? Are you tense and tight or relaxed and calm? Breathing is an automatic function which we don’t really pay much attention to. Most of the time we don’t use our full breathing potential and our bodies don’t get a full intake of oxygen, depriving us of a variety of benefits. So what’s the big deal? Breathing 101 Breathing fully, deeply and correctly increases our oxygen intake by allowing the lungs to fully expand and inhale maximum breath. This in turn feeds the cells and organs with nutrients via the