Young Woman Bending Down and Smiling with Arms Stretched Back

Visualise Your Best Self

Did you know that your mind is a powerful tool in helping you create positive changes in your life?

Using creative visualisation can help the subconscious mind to create real and meaningful associations with the feelings and desires of what you truly want to instil in your daily life. This paves the way for a happy mind, body and soul.

Begin by imagining what you would like more of: how you will feel to have it, feel it, be it… and then spend a few minutes playing it out in your mind as if you are already living in that way.

Notice the feelings and sensations that occur for you as you visualise these happy, positive thoughts in your mind.

Visualisation is an easy to use demonstration of positive thinking and behaviour change when practiced regularly. The easiest way to incorporate it into your day is first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening.

Keep focusing on that image throughout the day to never lose sight of your vision.

To help you create and build on this vision, listen to my FREE Visualisation Meditation Exercise below!