She’s Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication

She's Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication

She’s Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication! Here’s How….   For those of you experiencing depression, anxiety, isolation or low self-esteem, I want to share this story with you to provide hope for a future you might not yet be able to imagine possible… Last week after teaching a postgraduate course on Autonomic Nervous System Reprogramming to my MindBodyFood Institute Advanced Diploma students, I received this totally unexpected gift of appreciation. The student who gave it to me came to this work after working with me on her self-doubt, insecurities and personal fulfillment. She wanted to feel happier, healthier and create a sense


Bloating, Pain and Parasites – Become your own best health advocate

Bloating, Pain and Parasites - Become your own best health advocate

Bloating, Pain, Hospitals and Parasites Become Your Own Best Health Advocate If you follow me on my Facebook page you’ll know that last Wednesday I was woken in the early hours with EXCRUCIATING lower right, abdominal pain followed by vomiting bile. I was taken to hospital and drugged up on morphine, asked to pee in a jar, fill up with fluid for a couple of ultrasounds, then drink a litre of dye and be injected with contrast for a CT scan. The suspects – kidneys, ovaries and appendix – were all clear, but not before they offered to call a surgeon to cut me


{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   This week Daniel Biernoff joins me on the Mind-Body-Food Podcast talking about REAL food nutrition in our busy modern lifestyles. Daniel is a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist with over 15 years of clinical experience working with people from all walks of life. He is a firm believer that our modern diet – full of nutritionally depleted foods and chemical additives – is making us sick and that our bodies can heal themselves from almost any health problem with the right nutrition and supplement support. An open and highly educational look into food and the modern diet,


Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay and it’s Benefits   Last year in my effort to combat environmental toxins harming my internal health, I discovered organic, edible bentonite clay. Clay has been used therapeutically for centuries, with the first use of medicinal clay recorded in 2500 B.C in Mesopotamia. Over the centuries the Greeks, Romans, Aztecs and Europeans have all hailed the health benefits of clay. During the First World War, German physicians used clay therapy to successfully treat troops for food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea and wound infection. Dr. Weston A. Price, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, observed that several indigenous groups around the world used clay readily to outsmart disease


Do you really have a healthy diet?

Do you really have a healthy diet?

How healthy is your diet? Guest post by Daniel Biernoff (Nourished Health Through Nutrition)   As a naturopath with twenty years of clinical experience , I often have people tell me that they stick to a “healthy diet”- then proceed to run off a list of debilitating health problems. The reality is that the average “healthy” Australian diet which is heavy on dairy, meat and processed foods, directly contributes to our disturbing health statistics where heart disease, dementia, obesity, diabetes and cancers are becoming increasingly common. So what’s not adding up? We are told by all sorts of people in


Inspiring Wellness to Live Your Best Life

Inspiring Wellness to Live Your Best Life

Wellness Inspiration to Live Your Best Life Death and Cancer. These two words often co-exist and can strike fear, anger and grief into the heart with one cruel blow. And chances are, you have been affected by either one of these at least once in your life so far. Last weekend Jess Ainscough, founder of The Wellness Warrior, peacefully passed away at 30 years of age after living with a rare cancer (epithelioid sarcoma) for 7 years. She was so young and outwardly positive. Jess inspired wellness into the hearts of thousands who received her regular emails. She spoke and wrote


Should you go Gluten Free?

Should you go Gluten Free?

Is Gluten Free for You? Why go gluten free? And what is gluten anyway? Surely you know if you’ve decided to exclude it! Unfortunately it’s a popular practice to jump on the latest health advice and follow along without really knowing why. So let’s get educated. There are various foods in modern life that are recognised toxins to the body. They’re inflammatory, upset hormones and attack the lining of the gut, which upsets the balance of healthy bacteria. The toxic six, in no particular order, are: gluten, dairy, soy, corn, caffeine and sugar. No matter how few calories you may be


How to Make Sauerkraut

How to Make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha GUT problems? Bloating? Irregular poop? Eat Sauerkraut! Cultured or fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir grains, kombucha, yoghurt and cheese are fantastic to feed your good gut bacteria (your microbiome). They contribute immensely to healing and building our inner ecosystem. Friendly bacteria naturally present in the vegetables quickly lower the pH, making a more acidic environment so the bacteria can reproduce. The vegetables become soft, delicious, and delightfully “pickled.” Fermenting creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics. Cultured vegetables are made by shredding cabbage, or a combination of cabbage and other vegetables, and


Gut Health – Feed Your Good Bacteria

Gut Health - Feed Your Good Bacteria

Feeding Your Bacteria Is the food we’re eating on a regular basis the reason why we get sick? If we change our food, could we change the state of our health? Can we also affect our moods by making changes to our diet? I firmly believe we can. The collective human microbe colony weighs about 1 and a-half kilos – as much as our brains. Bacterial cells outnumber our human cells by 10 to 1 and they live predominantly inside our gut. Our gut bacteria, also known as the Microbiome (pronounced micro-bi-ome) lives off of the food we eat. The problem is that certain


How Food Can Improve Your Mood

How Food Can Improve Your Mood

Improve Your Mood with Food Are you finding it hard to juggle the daily demands of life, work and family on top of balancing your eating habits? You’re not alone. Many of my busy clients struggle to get going in the morning and don’t take time to give themselves a nourishing head start. Unfortunately this regular denial creates a cascade of cravings and energy dips for the rest of their day, ruining their healthy eating intentions. When the brain is lacking nutrients, it often overrides the conscious mind by reaching for convenient, packaged and processed foods to ensure it gets


Benefits of Blending Your Greens for Vitality, Health & Wellbeing

Benefits of Blending Your Greens for Vitality, Health & Wellbeing

Super Greens! Ok, be honest with yourself now. How many percentage of leafy greens, vegetables and fruits do you eat in a day? A week? What percentage of your nutrient intake is processed, packaged, refined and tinned or loaded with fat, sugar and salt? Just allowing yourself some time to consider what you’re actually eating and putting into your body can be a realisation that your eating habits and choices perhaps aren’t so healthy after all. Depending on whether your diet is predominantly full of leafy greens, vegetables and fruits or packed full of chemicals, toxins, fat, sugar and salt, you


Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

Transform your mind, body and life for wellness

From Medication to Freedom! How my Achieving Your Wellness coaching program has helped my client move from medication to freedom. I have an intelligent, insightful and attractive young client who came to meet and work with me late last year in 2013. At only 18 she had spent years on anti-depressants suffering low moods, unhappiness, isolation and body image concerns that bordered on disordered eating. Her dreams of travel, true happiness, connection and vibrant health were being hindered by limiting beliefs and unhealthy habits and behaviours. She came to me with a desperate need to combat the life she had created for herself and turn


5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

5 Foods to Uplift A Depressed Mind

Feeling Low? Try these uplifting foods! Many of you have heard me talk or write about the importance of nutrients and cell nourishment in creating the neuro-nutrients (brain food), neurotransmitters and hormones to fuel the communication channels between the brain and body. Every bit of food we eat – our nutrition quality – can create direct and immediate chemical changes within the body and brain to improve mood, energy, concentration, digestion, metabolism and general wellbeing. We literally rely on the foods we eat to create the nutrients we need for every function within the body. Combine our daily life stressors on top of our


My Updated Basic Raw Dark Chocolate Recipe

My Updated Basic Raw Dark Chocolate Recipe

Dark Healthy Chocolate! Yum! WOO HOO! My Healthy Chocolate Delights, Real Food Sweet Treats eBook is available for purchase and immediate download from my e-Store. With over 60 raw, cooked, vegan, paleo, dairy free, gluten free, grain free and refined sugar free recipes in a beautifully designed 145 page ebook, there is definitely healthy chocolate for everyone! It’s easy to make smooth, delicious, nutritious and snappy raw chocolate at home once you’ve learnt the basics and some creative ideas to get you started! Take a peek inside my Healthy Chocolate Delights book here: Originally designed as an accompaniment to the very popular Raw and Healthy


A Look At Our Home Herb & Vegetable Garden!

A Look At Our Home Herb & Vegetable Garden!

An Abundant Garden! Even though Beloved and I don’t have the largest space available for a huge variety of garden vegetables, we sure do have an abundant crop with the space we have! It’s important for us to know what food we’re putting into our bodies for optimum health, hormone balance, blood sugar levels and wellbeing. So in our aim for holistic living we decided to make the use of what we have to provide us with the most variety of fresh greens, herbs and vegetables of our own. This makes it easier for us to obtain whole foods when we