7 Insightful Questions to Help You Create Real Change

Create Real Change – 7 Insightful Questions


I help people create change – the kind of deep conscious change that alters our subconscious programs and changes our reality from the inside out.

There are many ways to go about change, however most people approach it in the WRONG way. 

They try to force change, change everything all at once, and don’t uncover and confront the BELIEFS in their subconscious about the change they want.

With our subconscious in control of 95% of our daily thoughts, it’s quite futile to try and make change without consulting what you believe about what you want, based on past conditioning.

Learning to ask yourself powerful questions and allowing time to uncover the answers is the first simple strategy that can increase your self-awareness and pave the way for real change.

It’s about taking DAILY action that you consciously choose instead of unconsciously do out of old habits. 

7 Insightful Questions to Help You Create New Daily Habits:

1. Where do I sabotage myself on a daily basis? What could I do instead or differently?
2. What could I do at work on a daily basis that would set me up for success? e.g. structured processes, get up earlier, not check email until 11am, set a timer when on social media etc
3. What would feed my heart and soul on a daily basis? What would feed my physical body and health? e.g. self-care activities, a yoga or meditation practice, daily walk or run, drinking 6-8 glasses of water etc
4. What is missing in my life? What do I want more of? e.g. sleep, fun, solitude, quiet, beauty
5. How could I feed important relationships in my life on a daily basis? What about feeding the relationship with myself? e.g. 5-15 minutes of connecting/listening to our spouse/children/selves or journalling – without distraction
6. What do I need to do to be the best I can be (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually)?
7. What do I already know I need to do, but am just not implementing?

Which question above really sparks the biggest stirring of energy within you? Choose one new habit change to get started with and ask yourself, What ONE daily habit would make the MOST difference to my life right now?


How can you take ACTION today to create this change?

DECIDE you are going to implement this new habit. Decide you will do whatever it takes to make it happen. Start with one small action and commit to doing it today!

Your mental commitment is always what will make the difference to your emotional wellbeing, and whether or not you can create real and lasting behaviour change.

With love