“I’m gobsmacked. I actually felt like I was much lighter in spirit, like a load had been lifted. Since seeing you things have definitely changed. For starters, instead of being a couch potato I will get up and do things. Things that I would keep putting off because I thought they were too hard, I just get in to. The food issue is a lot better although I still feel as if there is a little tug of war going on inside sometimes. It is amazing however that my mind just steers me in other directions rather than think about the unhealthy foods. As far as being more physical, even though I have not started an exercise routine, I am so much more active. I have been moving rocks on the property and been happy to be out in the sunshine, or I walk more around the place as I do a bit of gardening, or tend the chooks, or just spend time with our animals. So Viki, that’s how life has been for the past week. Thank you.”