Take positive steps forward and climb mountains of fitness

Move it or lose it

This morning we challenged our fitness climbing Tabletop Mountain, on the Toowoomba range, for the fourth time in a week.

Last Saturday morning. Wednesday morning. Friday morning. And today – Sunday morning –  the first time with the children.

Last Saturday’s effort was the second time we’d ever climbed this local historic mountain.

The first time we climbed it in 2011 was memorable, and not just because we left the water in the car! Rather because:

1. We took the children (slow & dramatic!)
2. It was before Beloveds knee surgery when his patella used to dislocate at will… (Not fun for him!) and,
3. It was 9 weeks after I broke my elbow and thought I was superwoman with a bent arm!! (I couldn’t have a cast at all because of the multiple fractures and risk I couldn’t regain range of movement). Yes I fell, and developed the most massive purple/brown bruise on my thigh – that no-one needs to see a picture of!

Last Saturday’s effort was the first time I really moved myself in every way. Physically I’ve been less committed as business and planning have encroached upon my time. And Yes, I allowed that to happen.

I made time for a few walks a week, daily meditation, and short bursts of yoga and stretching. But nothing like the daily runs I used to take several years ago.

Suddenly I realised as I neared the top that I was having one of those moments – head thinking I’m superwoman, body thinking what the hell happened to my fitness?!?!!

Very near the top I started to experience what my Beloved has felt many times with his heart – I couldn’t breathe. For a few moments, which felt many moments longer, I felt like my heart was pounding out of my chest, my nose and mouth were sucking in air but it didn’t feel like I was getting any.

This sensation of gasping for air was not something I’ve ever known.

Suddenly I realised – “Holy Shit! I’m not as fit as I used to be!”

Although I recovered with calm, deep, even breaths and continued walking as soon as I hit the top I did not like this feeling. At all.

It made me think of the many nights where I worked at the computer too long and late, feeling too exhausted to rise early and exercise, even though it was my intention.

It made me remember how easily I had climbed this mountain in 2011, even with a healing elbow.

What the hell happened? Why had I not been comfortably able to take this mountain and enjoy the elevated oxygen in my system?

Right. I had to reassess my priorities and make time for fitness. I had began to take it for granted and I hated the thought of feeling that weight on my chest and desperate need to breathe again.

Wednesday morning:


Beloved and I rose early after adequate planned sleep. We took that Mountain by surprise and climbed straight to the top! I felt challenged but comfortable. Hot but not faint.

We made it to the top in significantly less time and I made peace with my fitness and felt incredibly grateful I wasn’t fully out of touch with it just yet.

Friday morning:


We did it again. Much more comfortably, easily, joyously. I loved every minute and so did my body. Growing, expanding and opening!

This morning – Sunday.

Craig and kids climbing

We took to the climb for the fourth time and took the children with us, and helped spur them to the top!

I loved that they loved it. I love that we did it together as a family. I loved that mind and body were in sinc and that fitness and health have become my focus once again.

Throughout the week I have breathed deeply, pushed hard, and challenged myself in so many ways.

And it all came about because I got a surprise that shocked me: I was reminded that I am not superwoman and that all superpowers require energy, discipline and dedication to garner.

This week reminded me that when we get “too busy” to move our bodies we easily forget how GOOD we can feel – more energy, clearer skin, better digestion, improved mood, greater lung capacity and quality sleep.

Regular movement improves every aspect of our lives, just as when we require stillness, like meditation.

Confidence with each step forward

What do you need more of today?

Do that.



Viki xo


About Viki

Viki Thondley, The MindBodyFood CoachViki Thondley is a Holistic Counsellor, Wellness Coach, Meditation Teacher, Stress Therapist, and Eating Disorder and Wellbeing Specialist. Recovered from bulimia nervosa and the many years of hormonal imbalances, food challenges and self-sabotaging behaviours’, Viki now provides holistic personalised programs and retreats to inspire self-love, healing, body confidence and wellbeing. Viki’s passion is to help you balance your mindset, body and life to become happy, healthy, confident and free!

Sign up to her Happy | Healthy | Confident newsletter for a FREE comprehensive wellbeing assessment and weekly whole-self nourishment tips, inspiration and recipes.