Don’t Diet this Christmas, Do This Instead

Don't Diet this Christmas, Do This Instead

Instead of Dieting, Bingeing or Restricting this Christmas Try a New Approach… It’s that time of year again when many of us freak out at the abundant supply of festive food that is often on our “forbidden/bad/diet says no” list. Because I have no intention of losing my mind dieting for the next two weeks just so I can let loose on Christmas Day, my lead up is mostly calm, relaxed and peaceful. (I say mostly because I can’t control everything.. and it relieves a lot of unnecessary pressure when you realise that.) Your Christmas can be calm, relaxed and peaceful


Bloating, Pain and Parasites – Become your own best health advocate

Bloating, Pain and Parasites - Become your own best health advocate

Bloating, Pain, Hospitals and Parasites Become Your Own Best Health Advocate If you follow me on my Facebook page you’ll know that last Wednesday I was woken in the early hours with EXCRUCIATING lower right, abdominal pain followed by vomiting bile. I was taken to hospital and drugged up on morphine, asked to pee in a jar, fill up with fluid for a couple of ultrasounds, then drink a litre of dye and be injected with contrast for a CT scan. The suspects – kidneys, ovaries and appendix – were all clear, but not before they offered to call a surgeon to cut me


{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

{Podcast} How to Increase Nutrition in the Modern Day Diet

MINDBODYFOOD PODCAST   This week Daniel Biernoff joins me on the Mind-Body-Food Podcast talking about REAL food nutrition in our busy modern lifestyles. Daniel is a fully qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist with over 15 years of clinical experience working with people from all walks of life. He is a firm believer that our modern diet – full of nutritionally depleted foods and chemical additives – is making us sick and that our bodies can heal themselves from almost any health problem with the right nutrition and supplement support. An open and highly educational look into food and the modern diet,


5 Ways to Start the Year Without Dieting

5 Ways to Start the Year Without Dieting

Well dear readers, it’s a brand new year. And research shows that January is usually accompanied by resolutions to lose weight, change employment or finally sort out your finances. Which category are you focused on? Because of the area I specialize in, many people who employ my coaching and therapy services in the new year are usually wanting to lose weight, be happy, and find more peace and inner calm. The biggest lesson I teach them is that they won’t find what they’re looking for by going on a new diet. What your body desperately wants and needs is homeostasis,


Is Being Healthy Your Obsession?

Is Being Healthy Your Obsession?

I really dislike labels. I especially dislike labelling the way we eat, the way we look, and the way we behave. “I eat clean. I am fat. I am a perfectionist.” Why do we need to make judgement instead of making way for growth, understanding and change? Labelling the way we eat is a dangerous tendency. We get so caught up in whether we’re doing it right or not. It develops a righteous thinking attitude, that for some can translate into control: If I can control my healthy diet, I can control the way I feel. Strong, intelligent and capable


The Easiest Way to Exercise

The Easiest Way to Exercise

Easiest Way to Exercise? Just Move Your Body   I’m grateful to report that our family of four (including one fully fledged teenager and one on the cusp) managed to survive six nights away together at the Sunshine Coast. We had a wonderful time exploring the hinterland, enjoying the pool and walking along the beach. Unsurprisingly, the Sunshine Coast is abuzz with health enthusiasts. People of all ages, sizes and capabilities were busily huffing and puffing as they walked, ran, jogged and rode their bikes, or walked their dogs. Early in the morning, late in the afternoon and any time in-between,


Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Benefits of Bentonite Clay

Bentonite Clay and it’s Benefits   Last year in my effort to combat environmental toxins harming my internal health, I discovered organic, edible bentonite clay. Clay has been used therapeutically for centuries, with the first use of medicinal clay recorded in 2500 B.C in Mesopotamia. Over the centuries the Greeks, Romans, Aztecs and Europeans have all hailed the health benefits of clay. During the First World War, German physicians used clay therapy to successfully treat troops for food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea and wound infection. Dr. Weston A. Price, author of Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, observed that several indigenous groups around the world used clay readily to outsmart disease


Spiced Fruit Loaf

Spiced Fruit Loaf

Spiced Fruit Loaf As winter draws near, so does my desire for warm and spicy comfort foods like soups, casseroles and vegetables. Oh, and hot chocolate… 🙂 I don’t eat much bread although I do love a good traditional sourdough, toasted and topped with eggs, spinach, bacon and home made sauerkraut! During winter I often want something a little more filling that has a lot of flavour and will perfectly compliment a cup of herbal tea on a cold afternoon. I started dreaming of fruit toast, which the children often ask for around this time of year. But it doesn’t


Berry Delicious Health Bars [Recipe]

Berry Delicious Health Bars [Recipe]

Berry Delicious Health Bars A definite healthier version than the packaged “health” bars at the store, these healthy fruit and nut bars contain a good source of sustained energy, healthy fats, protein and fibre. They’re fun to make and easy to mix together. A great little recipe to get the kids in the kitchen they are perfect for a morning or afternoon snack – maybe even as a breakfast bar (although I don’t recommend when there are so many other wonderful and more rounded meals for breakfast). Have fun with the mixture I’ve created below but don’t be afraid to experiment and play


Do you really have a healthy diet?

Do you really have a healthy diet?

How healthy is your diet? Guest post by Daniel Biernoff (Nourished Health Through Nutrition)   As a naturopath with twenty years of clinical experience , I often have people tell me that they stick to a “healthy diet”- then proceed to run off a list of debilitating health problems. The reality is that the average “healthy” Australian diet which is heavy on dairy, meat and processed foods, directly contributes to our disturbing health statistics where heart disease, dementia, obesity, diabetes and cancers are becoming increasingly common. So what’s not adding up? We are told by all sorts of people in


Tasty Cashew “Nut” Cheese [Recipe]

Tasty Cashew "Nut" Cheese [Recipe]

Tasty (Nut) Cheese that’s Dairy Free! You’ve got to hand it to the Cashew Nuts (that are actually the seeds and grow on the outside of the fruit!). Cashews have a great mineral source and contain 31% of the daily recommended value for copper, along with 23% for manganese, 20% for magnesium and 17% for phosphorus. Add to that 12% of the daily recommended value for vitamin K and you’re looking at a versatile and healthy nut to add to your whole food pantry. They’re also the perfect creamy nut with a subtle sweet taste. Because they aren’t overpowering you can dress them up however


Hydration Drink & Zesty Fruit Salad [Recipes]

Hydration Drink & Zesty Fruit Salad [Recipes]

Hydrate & Zest Up your Fruit Salad! My honey and I love to make hydration drinks that include natural mineral salt, whole citrus fruits, fresh herbs and a little zest. These drinks are perfect for a hot summers day, or at any time where you’ve been working out, sweating or simply not drinking enough water. Added bonus is using the whole fruit and having the fibre help to assimilate and metabolise the sugars. If you don’t happen to like the taste of plain water, making a vitamin water is a great idea in making the water look and taste more


How to Make Sauerkraut

How to Make Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Kombucha GUT problems? Bloating? Irregular poop? Eat Sauerkraut! Cultured or fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir grains, kombucha, yoghurt and cheese are fantastic to feed your good gut bacteria (your microbiome). They contribute immensely to healing and building our inner ecosystem. Friendly bacteria naturally present in the vegetables quickly lower the pH, making a more acidic environment so the bacteria can reproduce. The vegetables become soft, delicious, and delightfully “pickled.” Fermenting creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics. Cultured vegetables are made by shredding cabbage, or a combination of cabbage and other vegetables, and


Are Your Cravings Real?

Are Your Cravings Real?

Mind or Body Cravings? In previous blog posts I’ve explained how when we restrict and deny nourishment to our body (dieting), we often wrestle with cravings (also tiredness and mood swings) until the brain overrides our willpower and has us reaching for a quick fix of fat, sugar and salt. Hunger and cravings are two different sensations. The body regulates our hunger, while the mind wields greater power over food cravings. Hunger serves a more functional purpose, signalling our brains that it’s time to eat and replenish the energy and information we’re running low on. To recap previous articles about the


Foodie Friday – Share a Healthy, Nutritious and Delicious Recipe

Foodie Friday - Share a Healthy, Nutritious and Delicious Recipe

Healthy, Nutritious and Delicious! Introducing “Real Foodie Fridays” to share our love of whole, natural, real food recipes! The weekend is a great opportunity to get creative in the kitchen making wholesome, nourishing foods and trying out new recipes! I love to create, make and expand on recipes all the time, especially using fresh ingredients from our garden or the local markets. My Beloved Craig jokes at how easily I can take what’s in the fridge or pantry and make something so healthy, nutritious and delicious so quickly out of so little! While he likes to research recipes, shop for specific ingredients, create a timeline