She's Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication

She’s Coming OFF her Anti-Depressant Medication!

Here’s How….


For those of you experiencing depression, anxiety, isolation or low self-esteem, I want to share this story with you to provide hope for a future you might not yet be able to imagine possible…

Last week after teaching a postgraduate course on Autonomic Nervous System Reprogramming to my MindBodyFood Institute Advanced Diploma students, I received this totally unexpected gift of appreciation.


The student who gave it to me came to this work after working with me on her self-doubt, insecurities and personal fulfillment. She wanted to feel happier, healthier and create a sense of personal freedom she hadn’t felt in her mind and body for years.

When she started with me, her then self-perception could not possibly envision a future for herself so far removed from her lifelong reality.

But, as happens with so many of my clients, she experienced a truly deep and personal transformation and she’s awakened happier and healthier!

– She dug deep in shifting out of her comfort zone and challenging what she was told
– She learned to acknowledge her strengths and step into her own self-worth
– She learned about nutrient dense foods and started feeding her brain and body
– She got in tune with her body to recognise sensations of stress and learned how to deactivate them
– She created a daily self-care routine and started making herself a priority
– She became aware of old beliefs that no longer served her and started challenging them consciously to replace for new ones

Not only has she gotten to know herself and her needs on a deep level, she’s learned to set boundaries and stick up for herself – which has tremendously helped with improving communication in her personal relationships, and creating a stronger connection within herself.

She’s is now confident to stand up and be counted, which is so different from her childhood conditioning.

The most exciting thing for this lovely lady is feeling confident in her decision to come OFF of her anti-depressant medication with her Doctor’s supervision.

He was so surprised at her mental and physical transformation this year that he has willingly designed a plan to help her do this the right way. He also told her to keep doing what she’s been doing, because it’s obviously working!

This outcome has made her feel SO happy and EMPOWERED, as she never thought that possible when we first met.

At that low point when she first came to see me, she couldn’t ever imagine her life being any different to what she had become used to over decades.

I hope that by sharing this story, it inspires you to believe that anything is possible if you want it enough and you are willing to take charge of your life to get it.

Taking back your life IS possible with the right guidance, and the results are life changing and affirming.

In this case, to see the twinkle in my old client’s eyes and her face light up as she told me, was the only gift I needed.

It’s these kinds of stories that affirm why I LOVE what I do… 🙂  


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Disclaimer: All information contained within this site is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a qualified medical practitioner, dietician, or mental health worker.