The secret to Visualisation and Creating Change

Visualisation Secret to Create Change

Every January millions around the world make New Year’s Resolutions. They have the best of intentions to create change and often convince themselves that this time they’re really going to do it.

One small problem: only thinking that you want to make change, is not physically going to create any!

You firstly need to write your goals down so you can see them and make them appear real – preferably in big bold letters on colourful paper. You can even decorate a vision board on large cardboard, covered with pictures, symbols, words and drawings that summarise and capture the essence of what you want to change.

As a visual person, I love using visualisation techniques to stimulate the brain in a language it understands. I’ll imagine seeing myself, my life and anything else that is relevant to my goals, as already having, being and experiencing what I am aiming for.

It’s like saying to your brain and sub-conscious mind, Listen up! This is what I want!

Each time you clear your mind of obstacles and focus only on creating the visual outcome of what you want, you are re-affirming this imagery to your brain, and re-enforcing your intention to your sub-conscious mind.

The secret ingredient to visualisation is to include your feelings.

Remember that the mind and body are interwoven. You can’t fully engage all of your abilities if you are not utilising the absolute connection between your brain and your physical body.

As you visualise your future self then ask: How will I feel to have, be or experience those things?

  • If your aim is to be more confident, then visualise yourself in the exact setting you wish to be more confident in. Get your brain used to that new scenario. Then focus on the feelings of what confidence means to you. See yourself in your minds’ eye with an erect posture, standing tall. Then allow that image to influence you physically and feel your body adapting as you breathe in. See and feel your chest open and allow any nerves or tension to release as you exhale.

Clear your heart

Give your brain and body the synergy of thoughts and feelings.

It’s the same if you want to be more vibrant, have more energy or release weight; desires that many people have and that also feed into each other.

  • Combine them in your mind and imagine yourself outside in the sunshine, smiling, running and playing. See yourself with a sense of lightness and inner strength, focused on the lines and muscle shapes of your body being lithe and strong. Allow yourself to fully experience what having more energy and less weight would feel like to you, both physically and mentally.

Lastly, assess what thinking and behaviour got you to where you are now. If your thoughts and actions no longer align with what you want, you need to change them. Until you do the internal work, everything stays the same.

  1. Start listening to your self-talk. What do you think and believe about what you want to change?
  2. What are the habitual thinking patterns that have been blocking your efforts to change in the past?

Write them down and consciously challenge these old patterns one by one: are they true or relevant to who you are now or who you want to be?

Design a new set of thoughts and beliefs to support your goals.

Cross the old ones out as you write down the new statements instead.

And every time you hear yourself saying them, straight away begin focusing on your new, positive beliefs.

Use the power of visualisation to create change. It starts in your brain!

To help you along, listen to my mini mantra meditation for visualisation your best future self here!

Mini Mantra Meditation

Think well, live well….

Viki  xo


About Viki

Viki Thondley, The MindBodyFood Coach

Viki Thondley is a Mind-Body Wellness Specialist and qualified Holistic Counsellor, Food, Stress & Lifestyle Coach, Meditation Therapist, and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach who inspires women to shift from dieting and restriction to whole-self nourishment, self-care and healing. Recovered from bulimia nervosa and the many years of hormonal imbalances, food prison and self-sabotaging behaviours’, Viki is an inspiring coach, speaker and event host who also provides personalised holistic programs, workshops and retreats to instil self-love, happiness, body confidence and real food freedom. She is author of “Achieving Your Wellness: Create a Life You Love” and “Healthy Chocolate Delights: Real Food Sweet Treats”.

Sign up to her Happy | Healthy | Confident newsletter for her free 43 page eBook “Break Up with Dieting: 10 Tips to Calm Your Mind, Relax Your Body & Eat With Pleasure” + weekly whole-self nourishment tips, inspiration and recipes!