Create a Positive Mindset

 What you think, you create.

Your thoughts have enormous power over your emotions, feelings and physical body. Those negative thoughts, the nagging dictator, those influential voices of other people, the media, your family or friends – or a random stranger compelled to offer their two cents… all of that input has the potential to harm you, restrict you, test you, second guess you, persuade you, tempt you, forbade you, criticise or mock you, and ultimately leave you with a deflated self-esteem and sense of self.

  • Whose voice counts the most in your life?
  • Whose opinions, desires, beliefs and rights are the most important to you?
  • Whose life are you living?

Each and every day may bring external noise to conflict with your own inner voice. The stronger sense of who you are, what you believe and why, and what you want in your life will help guide you in staying true to yourself and your chosen path.

Choose your thoughts carefully. Think more of what you already have, focus on how grateful and happy you are to have what you do. Decide what you want for your future. What do you need to do now,step by step and day by day, to make that happen?


Consider your perfect day, the one without any obstacles that always seem to get in the way. What would you do, how would you feel, who would you be with, where would you spend it…?

Come back to today and think about how you can achieve that perfect day for yourself. What do you need to change, eliminate, manage or create to make every day your perfect day?

Start now. Begin today. Think it and make it so!