Detox Your Fridge, Freezer & Pantry for Real Food Nourishment!

Change Why and What you eat for optimum health. I’ll show you How!


Should you follow this diet or that diet? Eat low carb or high carb? Have low fat, no fat or high fat? Eat 3 meals a day or 6 meals a day? Cut the sugar or cut out the crap?

I don’t subscribe to any kind of diet except for the one where I eat for low inflammation, optimum digestion, long-lasting energy, according to nature and my own internal bio-chemical wisdom.

Let’s makeover your mindset and plate to ensure your brain and body get the nourishment they need!

Overhaul your eating habits by joining me on a personalised kitchen detox where you will:

1. Get real about what’s lurking in your fridge, freezer and pantry

Bottles, jars and packets of things you’ve forgotten about, hiding in the back corners of your food storage areas? Let’s clean it up, store it right and make some room for the real and right foods to support your energy, digestion, blood sugar, moods and hormones.

2. See through the lies on the labels

If you have never given adequate thought about what’s in the food you’re eating, prepare to be educated on your very own private supermarket tour where I’ll teach you about hidden sugars, chemicals and GMO’s, hydrogenated fats and oils, and the dangers of packaged, processed and refined foods.

3. Choose healthful substitutes for your favourite foods

Think that healthy food is bland, boring or will leave you hungry? NO WAY! I’ll show you healthy alternatives to the foods you love and share plenty of real food recipes to awaken your senses to taste, texture, aroma, sight and pleasure! Replace junk food with super food snacks.

4. Learn how to easily make nutritious and nourishing foods that look fantastic, are quick and easy, and taste delicious!

Learn how to substitute, prepare and create nutritious, delicious and satisfying meals to support your energy, digestion, concentration, sleep, weight and wellness. Real, whole and natural foods in season when prepared with love and care, and lots of tasty herbs and spices, are absolute taste sensations that will satisfy hunger, satiate your cells, feed your brain and stabilise your blood sugar, hormones and moods.

The Kitchen Detox (+ Supermarket Tour)KITCHEN DETOX

Conducted over 4 weeks, my intention with the Kitchen Detox is to completely open your mind and heart to what true nourishment means in creating the optimum internal and external environments that will allow your healthiest self to thrive!

How it works:
  • 2 x 1.5 hours in-home visits Weeks 1 and 3 (to clear out the junk, then prime you for health)
  • 1 x 1.5 hour supermarket trip Weeks 1 or 2 (bring a family member for free)
  • 2 x 30 min support calls Weeks 2 and 4 (Skype or phone)
Your package includes:
  • Comprehensive well-being assessment
  • In-home makeover of your fridge, freezer and pantry
  • Nutritional bio-chemistry and real food education
  • A resource folder of holistic living tips, toxic ingredients and deciphering ingredients labels
Plus, you’ll also receive your very own Resource Folder with:
  • Real food recipes, links and videos (via YouTube) in PDF
  • Dangers of sugar and top 6 natural sweeteners info sheets
  • Fresh food seasonal shopping lists
  • Mindful Eating Tips
  • Gut health and mood food info sheets
  • Tips to Reduce Toxins in your home

Complete Kitchen Detox Investment = $595 (conducted over a one month period for maximum results)

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If you don’t need ALL of these awesome educational resources, choose the help you need the most:

  • Single supermarket tour plus handouts (1.5 hours) = $150 (bring a friend for free)
  • Tailored healthy food coaching session held at the MindBodyFood Kitchen with recipes and real food to take home! (3 hours) = $300

 MBF V in the Kitchen

Together we will clean up your kitchen and eating choices to have you feeling light, energetic and focused in no time!

No dieting, no calorie counting, no fad theories… simply REAL food (whole, natural, seasonal) prepared with care and eaten with pleasure in the most enjoyable and healthful way!

Working with me is ALWAYS fun, motivating, supportive and HIGHLY educational! You’ll wonder why you never got to work cleaning out your pantry and learning about real food sooner.

Watch your mood, energy, digestion, sleep, concentration and weight feel easier to manage and maintain!


Book Now to Get Started!Mood