How to Tap into the Power of I AM


How to tap into the infinite power of these two simple words

I love the teachings of Louise Hay and the late Dr Wayne Dyer, who often talked about the significance of the words I AM and how we use them.

When I’m teaching my clients or students about the subconscious mind and conditioned thinking, I emphasise the importance of how much power these two little words can have over our entire wellbeing. 

Read the next two lines and take note of how each makes you feel…

I am a good person who is kind, thoughtful and caring
I am not smart/good enough to do/have what I truly want

Which one makes you feel good?

Words and thoughts are intentions and declarations. But more so, our brain hears them as truth in the moment.

Throughout many years of holistic counselling and coaching, I’ve observed the great difficulty people (especially women) have with answering the question, Who am I?

It’s almost as if the roles and responsibilities they’ve taken on in their lives have weighed them down with worry and low self-worth.

Their knowledge of self has been suffocated by the constant need to give and please, and their inner light has grown dim – in some cases, blown out. 

[Tweet “How do you figure out who you are when you don’t know where to begin? “]

What works for many people is discovering meditation

In my teen years I had barely a chance to truly discover who I was before my need to fit in, receive praise and be accepted by others starting stripping away the parts of me that I believed weren’t good enough. 

When I discovered a way to use my mind to help me, rather than hurt me, it became a doorway that led me back home to strength and surety.

Even now each time I feel lost, unfocused, or struggling to find peace I simply return to this doorway and come back home to myself.

When malaise sets in, I know it’s time to step back, take a deep breath, and surrender to the infinite space of certainty within me.

For me, this is best achieved through meditation, breathing, awareness, listening to my heart, saying no when it feels right, moving my body, sleeping when I’m tired, eating when I’m hungry, and spending quiet time alone with myself every single day (even if it’s only 10 minutes).

The most important step is not just discovering your true voice but staying connected to it, by creating boundaries to protect and fuel your inner light with self-love and care EVERY day. 

[Tweet “The most important step is not just discovering your true voice but staying connected to it”]

Here’s where I invite YOU to make this commitment to yourself. 

Take a pen and paper and write down ways YOU can reconnect with yourself.

What makes you feel alive, childlike, carefree, confident, sure of yourself, focused, content and whole?

How can you bring these tools and activities into your daily life?

Where can you create more space for your soul?

What can you let go of to create more time for you?

Even just 5 minutes a day – a few times a day – can add up to significant and consistent time in connection between your mind, body and spirit. 

To help you and kick off my birthday month of specials and surprises, I’m celebrating the transition from physical meditation CDs to virtual downloadable meditation albums on my website! 

Meditation Relaxation & Stress Mgt CD cover Mindfulness Meditation CD cover Visualisation & Healing Meditation CD 

For the entire month of July these meditation albums are on 20% off.

To make it even easier to discover meditation and connect with yourself, I’ll soon be finally adding the new series of meditations and programs I’ve been working on to my audio collection!!  #Ilovemeditation 

Stay connected and take care of yourself,

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