Here’s what I think…

You don’t need to have a Valentine to make your day special.

Show YOURSELF some LOVE today!

How do you do that?

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Go easy – no one expects you to be superman/woman except for you! Give yourself permission to slow down.
  • Take a moment with yourself in the mirror. Really look at the person you are and give him/her a SMILE. You may feel silly but you’ll also feel BETTER!
  • Tell yourself how wonderful you are by using positive self-talk and specific affirmations. Repeat, repeat, repeat – ALL day long.
  • Wear your favourite clothes, jewellery, lipstick, shoes or workout gear – especially if it’s brand spanking new! WEAR IT and feel special.
  • BREATHE deeply and OFTEN. With every inhale say to yourself, ” I love and accept myself”. With every exhale say to yourself, “I trust and accept myself”.
  • Write yourself a LOVE note with all the qualities and things you like about yourself. Put it on your bed so you can read it again tonight.
  • Buy yourself a bunch of beautiful flowers and allow the gesture to feel like a real gift to yourself. Every time you look at them say to yourself, “I completely love and accept myself”.

There are so many ways to express self-love and you may already have a few traditions you like to do for yourself.

IF YOU HAVEN’T – There’s no time like NOW to get started on showing yourself some LOVE!

I Love All that I Am

Happy SELF-LOVE Day!

Viki xo