Who’s in charge? Not Charles!

Some days I wake up and don’t feel enthusiastic. My body hurts, my head hurts, and it all just zaps the energy from me.

WAKE UP! Get up! Do it anyway! – This is what I tell myself. And 9 times out of 10 I wake up, get up, and do it anyway…

It’s very easy for the body to take over and do the talking sometimes, while your mind just listens and absorbs the feedback. Of course if your body is feeling less than fabulous then it won’t take long for your mind to start feeling that way too.

But the saying isn’t Matter Over Mind….

When you have these days where the mind and body compete for which feels worse, remove yourself from the usual daily grind and take yourself off to your favourite room, park, visualisation… and give yourself the positive jumpstart and kick up the bum that you need.

It’s natural to have off days, we all do. But when you allow that negativity to permeate your mindset to the extent that it takes over and influences your whole day – including your interactions with people – then it’s time to intervene and use that wonderfully intelligent piece of machinery in your skull to turn things around.

1 – Take a few minutes to sit comfortably and focus on your breathing: deep, slow, natural and gradually regulated. The mere act of focusing on your breath can really calm your whole being and allow you the time you need to gather your thoughts and refocus.

2 – While you’re sitting and breathing comfortably, use a positive word (or mantra) that will serve to focus your mind on a positive thought or idea and reset your mindset. Repeat the word every time you inhale for at least 5mins. This has a wonderfully calming and energising affect on your being, particularly if you choose a word that really resonates for you.

3 – Go for a walk. Get some fresh air, breathe deeply and allow the sunshine and breeze to refresh and renew your senses. Walk around the block, to a local park and have a swing, or drive to the nearest beach and smell the salty air. A change of scenery, even just for a short while, will help to change your mindset and give you the respite you need to look around and see the good things in your life. Appreciate the little things. They can do so much for you.

4 – Write down how you’re feeling, using as many adjectives as you can. By describing your feelings and putting them down on paper, you’re giving yourself an opportunity to clarify what’s getting you down and give those feelings an outlet to be acknowledged. From there you can decide whether it’s worth the ill-feeling, or what you can proactively do about them.

5 – Music is therapy. Turn on the radio or slip your favourite jumpstart music CD into the player and crank it! With the right song comes the right mood. Turn it up and rev it up! Jog on the spot, move your body to the beats, sing out loud and get pumped about your day. A little bit of music and movement can get your whole day started on a more positive note.

No matter how you wake you up, start the day with a smile, a few deep breaths and a nice stretch. Even better if you start the day with Meditation! Just those few daily habits can make a great deal of difference to your mindset for the day.