Believe in Yourself & Follow Your Passion

Follow Your Passion, Believe in Yourself

How often do you take a moment to acknowledge how far you’ve come and give yourself a huge pat on the back for taking a leap forward?

I don’t normally blow my own trumpet, but lately I’ve been practising what I encourage my clients and students to do – take a moment to acknowledge my recent achievements and how it’s changed my life for the better.

Towards the end of last year I had a big mindset shift. I realised I wasn’t giving myself enough credit for the immense knowledge I’ve accumulated in the last 6 years running on my holistic business, and how much value I provide my clients and students.

My students and graduates at the MindBodyFood Institute starting sharing how much their lives were changed because of what I’d been teaching them.

Suddenly I was reminded of the impact I was making, and how it ripples throughout one life and into many others. 

It was about that time that a few challenges came my way, and rather than be defeated by them I took action to create something completely new. I set my intention, did my research, and I committed to creating a 12 module holistic life coach and mind-body practitioner certification course

The information flowed out of me with ease and surety. I loved the research and translating my findings, and I rediscovered my love of writing while communicating scientific concepts into relatable, everyday language.

It wasn’t until recently, at the end of hosting a 2 hour live webinar for my current coaching students, that I realised the depth of what I’ve created. They are LOVING these live sessions for the extra value and depth of training they provide.

Me taking action to follow my passion had resulted in the ability for others to finally pursue theirs.

With having written this mammoth certification course, getting it approved for registration and insurance, building the website from scratch, marketing the course, enrolling the students and now teaching my own material to people all around Australia, New Zealand and Canada – all whilst juggling a busy private practice – I HAVE to give myself acknowledgement.

I owe it to myself to not only pat myself on the back, but to hug the heck out of my heart and soul for having the bold and ambitious idea that I could make a difference! Me and all my imperfections… questions of: 

‘why would people listen to me,

have I got it in me to write this course and do this thing,

will anyone enrol..

what if they this, what if they that..’

I haven’t always believed in myself or known I could do something before I did it… but I’ve mostly taken action anyway.

It’s been bloody hard work and long hours BUT.. I love what I do. I’m highly skilled at it, and I have the testimonials and feedback from my clients, graduates and students to prove it and blow me away with how much of an impact my knowledge and guidance can have on another persons’ life.


It feels surreal yet it’s real. 

I’ve done this, I created this!

Not knowing HOW no longer stops me from taking action and figuring stuff out as I go.

I wanted to share this with you because I once held back and dimmed my own light because I believed I wasn’t worthy or enough. I was too afraid to follow my passion.

It was a hard won road to finding my worth and believing I WAS enough, but I walked it – sometimes running, sometimes stumbling and often wanting to turn back. 

The point is, I didn’t. I didn’t give up on myself or my passion, and I don’t want you to give up on yourself either.

Believe in yourself. Get out there, stay focused, have a plan and take those little daily steps that will help to slowly move you forward and closer to reaching your own dream (and letting it evolve along the way).

You’ve got a lot to offer the world!

Go with the flow… and discover what you’re made of in the process. Because it FEELS SO GOOD!!!!!!! 

ENROL in my next round of Holistic Life Coach & Mind-Body Practitioner Certification Training and light the way forward for a life and business you love!

Have a brave week ahead,

Viki Thondley-Moore is a Mind-Body Wellness Therapist, Meditation Teacher, Stress Educator and Eating Disorder Specialist. She is founder of MindBodyFood and Director of the MindBodyFood Institute.

DOWNLOAD A COPY OF MY HOLISTIC LIFE COACH & MIND-BODY PRACTITIONER COURSE PROSPECTUS! You’re ONE step away from the best decision of your career and personal growth!