Beat the Food Designers at their Fat, Sugar, Salt Game

Food by Design

A food designer’s job description: create the perfect ratio of fat, sugar and salt in a food product to create opiates in the brain and have consumers craving more!

Big corporate food organisations rely on these food designers to create great wealth in their companies at an even greater cost to public health.

People already restricting themselves on one diet or another especially find these cravings overwhelming. They will often berate themselves and feel like failures, believing they have no willpower or motivation, all because the food they’re eating is designed in such a way to make their brain feel good – temporarily – and crave more!

Cravings lead to purchases, which creates wealth for these sneaky corporations and food manufacturers.

This is a classic precursor for binge eating, which of course is only feeding the cravings in an effort to satiate your cells and emotions.

People try so hard to eat healthy, make healthy choices and eat for better health. How are you supposed to do that when the food you’re eating is deliberately designed to make you crave more of the wrong kinds of foods?!

Fast food companies are highly aware of the convenience their packaged, processed products have for the busy, modern day person. In fact I bet they count on it.

So what you can do to NOT play (beat them at) their (own) game?

  • Read the ingredients labels and become educated on what certain ingredients are and which ingredients are harmful.
  • 10 Worst Food IngredientsIf you’re finding it hard to pronounce, that’s an obvious sign you’re reading a chemical. Put it back and opt for more natural foods that you can actually recognise. This means your body will also be able to recognise the food.
  • If you see numbers you’re looking at codes for colours, preservatives, emulsifiers and fillers. You really don’t need these in a food product when it’s fresh, real and natural. No it won’t last as long or have the same taste, but it will be much better for your hormones, liver and health in general.

Here’s a great example: If you’re looking for nut butter and the first three ingredients are some kind of oil, sugar and maltodextrin (another form of sugar derived from corn) then you know the main ingredients are not nuts; put it back and make your own!

Stick to the colours of nature’s rainbow and eat food in their natural seasons.

Keep it simple: eat real food. 


Healthy Eating

Viki  xo


About Viki

Viki Thondley, The MindBodyFood Coach

Viki Thondley is a Mind-Body Wellness Specialist and qualified Holistic Counsellor, Food, Stress & Lifestyle Coach, Meditation Therapist, and Eating Disorder Recovery Coach who inspires women to shift from dieting and restriction to whole-self nourishment, self-care and healing. Recovered from bulimia nervosa and the many years of hormonal imbalances, food prison and self-sabotaging behaviours’, Viki is an inspiring coach, speaker and event host who also provides personalised holistic programs, workshops and retreats to instil self-love, happiness, body confidence and real food freedom. She is author of “Achieving Your Wellness: Create a Life You Love” and “Healthy Chocolate Delights: Real Food Sweet Treats”.